India Inc’s ‘closet ceilg’: Most gay people leadg dual liv | Ahmedabad News - Tim of India

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Ahmedabad: The abrogatn of the ntroversial Sectn 377 of the Indian Penal Co related to unnatural sex 2018 has not drastilly transformed India’s rporate sector to an acmodative space for gay people.


On the brighter si, -pth terviews of gay and lbian executiv and managers by the rearchers revealed that they n now nfi their lleagu who are study, ‘From Fear to Courage: Indian lbians’ and gays’ qut for clive ethil anizatns’, was thored by Ernto Noronha and Prela D’Cz om IIM-A and Nidhi S Bisht om MDI Gurgaon. The study clud the experienc of 40 gay men and lbians workg wh some proment India-based firms. It is one of the few studi focg on the work life of gay people India’s rporate terviews afford rare and poignant sights — one, for stance, is that most of the rponnts led dual liv, volvg the projectn of straight selv.

The rponnts said they had to first asss their lleagu’ potential rpons by discreetly broachg topics such as LGBT rights or queer Noronha, who teach anizatnal behavur at IIM-A, said that the study was among the first primarily focg on gay people’s workplace experienc India. ” “The study also mak a se for clive HR polici, not only for LGs [lbians and gay men] but for all at large so that they feel secure, ” he Noronha said the study highlighted the fact that lbians faced more challeng, when they me out, pared to gay study showed that sce few pani have an clivy policy, only a mcule proportn of the rponnts had told their boss about their sexual orientatn.

”BOXIn their own words: Gay people at workplac- The whole muny is portrayed a certa light. It is thought that a gay man will pounce on any heterosexual male he se- A gay man…would take the pany b…and some people would whistle at him.


India Inc’s ‘closet ceilg’: Most gay people leadg dual liv | Ahmedabad News - Tim of India .