Gay Uned Stat News and Entertament | EDGE Media Network

gay news portland oregon

News om wh the borrs of Portland, Oregon and the fight for LGBT equaly there. Domtic partnership is legal Oregon, although the nstutn was changed 2004 to fe marriage as between one man and one woman after a strg of same-sex marriag occurred. Learn more about past and prent obstacl toward achievg equaly Portland cludg hate crim law, transgenr rights, adoptn, and other rights nied to same-sex upl and LGBT people. Learn about dividuals--activists, policians, and alli--who have helped make stris toward equaly. We also ver the mpaigns of groups opposed to marriage equaly and explore how gay marriage is vered mastream media. We stay on top of velopments so that you n stay rmed about this issue.



Gay Uned Stat News and Entertament * gay news portland oregon *

Homotech, YouShoot, EDGE Media Network, Pri Labs and QueeryMe are registered tramarks of EDGE Publitns, Inc. But this lotn has a unique flavor: Nearly everyone here is gay, lbian, or transgenr.

Bee, at that time I hired on, they uld have fired me for beg gay.


Gay Uned Stat News and Entertament | EDGE Media Network.