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data-cy="object-breadcmb">Borat: Cultural Learngs of Ameri for Make Benef Glor Natn of Kazakhstan</a><a href="/movi/bno" class="jsx-167857536 article-object-lk unrled" data-cy="object-breadcmb">Bno</a><a href="/tv/da-ali-g-show" class="jsx-167857536 article-object-lk unrled" data-cy="object-breadcmb">Da Ali G Show</a></div><h1 class="display-tle jsx-1062180250" data-cy="article-headle">Bno's Bt TV Moments</h1><h2 class="tle3 jsx-2866659985" data-cy="article-sub-headle">If you liked the movie, you should check out Bno's Da Ali G Show past.</h2><div id="p-article-below-hear" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 page-ntent"><sectn class="jsx-3528870638 byle"><div class="stack jsx-816329128 byle-stack"><div class="stack jsx-1752463718 article-thors"><sectn class="jsx-1825775112 thor-avatars avatars-1"><div class="jsx-3001299294 thor-thumb profile-thumb aspect-rat aspect-rat-1-1"><img dg="async" alt="Eric Goldman" src=" srcSet=" 1x, 2x" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image profile-thumb-img jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823"/></div></sectn><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">By <a href="/person/EricGoldman-IGN" class="jsx-3953721931 article-thor unrled">Eric Goldman</a></div></div><div class="jsx-3176214726 divir"></div><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">Updated: <!-- -->May 10, 2012 8:01 pm</div><div class="jsx-3176214726 divir"></div><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">Posted: <!-- -->Jul 11, 2009 5:26 am</div></div><div class="jsx-4050243981 divir"></div></sectn><div id="p-article-below-hear-image" class="jsx-3606872557 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div></div><div class="jsx-3517015813 page-ntent"><div class="jsx-3517015813 si-by-si"><div class="jsx-3517015813 article-ntent page-0"><sectn class="article jsx-2571790323 article-sectn jsx-28683165"><sectn class="article-page"> Sacha Baron Cohen's follow up to his hysteril <em><a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Borat</a></em> has arrived - Y ed, <em><a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Bno</a></em> is here. Like <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Borat</a>, <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Bno</a> is likely a brand new character to many who are gog to see the film, but there are also plenty of who know that the history of Bno go back many years. <div class="jsx-303009029 adun-wrapper"><div class="jsx-303009029 bobble bobble-0 pogot pg-article"><div data-mix-name="mediumAd" data-pos="0" data-pogo-hi="1" class="jsx-343126785 pogo-slot"></div></div></div><p class="jsx-3649800006 ">In fact, the flamboyantly gay, Atrian Bno first appeared edy sketch datg back to 1998, before Cohen then brought the character as part of his first rnatn of <em><a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Da Ali G Show</a></em>, which buted England 2000. However, was the 2003 premiere of the US versn of <em>Da Ali G Show</em> that would give Bno – along wh other classic Cohen characters Ali G and Borat – his first major exposure the US. In segments tled "Funkyze M Bno", we watched as Bno traveled the untry, and om fashn shows to gun shows, always ma an imprsn. </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 ">So whether you jt got home om seeg <em>Bno</em> or are on your way to , we thought we'd help you look back at a few of the most noteworthy Bno moments om the HBO versn of <em>Da Ali G Show</em>. <output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span></figure></output> <strong>Bno at Fashn Week</strong> <br/><strong>Episo: <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Polics</a></strong> </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 "> If you thk the fashn dtry is evil, then you'll be happy (or maybe jt ightened) to see plenty of apparent proof a b where Bno terviews several stylists and fashn dtry folks durg New York Fashn week. Remember Derelict <em>Zoolanr</em>, and how was so funny, bee wasn't real? Well, a gal named Tiffany didn't thk so apparently, as she tells Bno about a "trailer trash" spired le of clothg. When Bno jok that the people who spired this le uldn't buy the clothg bee "They're too poor!" Tiffany begs to lgh, and is right there wh Bno as he remarks, "We take the cloth om the homels people, then we put them the shops." Rponds an enthiastic Tiffany, "Right, jack up the price!" </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 ">But we're jt gettg started seeg the dark, soulls re of some of the people. Bno talks to another woman who says, as pretent a voice as you n image, how she's om New York, but she's had to endure meetg people om all across the world wh "Absolutely no fashn sense." When Bno suggts, "Why don't you put them on tras, send them to a mp and say bye bye?" the woman lghs and then repli, "I would love to say bye bye to most of them!" Ah, gettg people to ht they'd like to extermate those whose fashn sense don't live up to their ials! Good job, Bno! </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 ">Then there's Roger Padhilla. If you were told that "a lot of the style gus Atria are sayg Osama b Lan is the bt drsed guy," how would you rpond? As you ponr that, let's mull over Roger's rponse. </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 ">"I thk he's ol. I don't know if he's the bt drsed guy, but he's fely very fashnable." </p> <p class="jsx-3649800006 "> <output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span></figure></output> <strong>Der Gay Convertor</strong> <br/><strong>Episo: <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Rpek</a></strong> </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 "> Say you're Pastor Qun, and you not only believe homosexualy is a s, but believe you n nvert gay people and turn them straight. What do you do when you're terviewed by a guy who looks and acts like Bno? Well, you start thgs off by quickly mentng you're married, makg sure to name your wife and note your eight kids. So begs this classic Bno terview. </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 ">As Bno begs by askg, "Why is beg gay so out this season?" 's clear we're for a treat. And ed, what follows is a very funny, very unfortable nversatn. Bno wants to get very specific on what Pastor Qun thks is right and what he thks is wrong, so of urse he has to ask the Pastor, "So hypothetilly, acrdg to you, I n admire a man's penis the shower, but the moment I put my mouth, some kd of le has been crossed?" </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 ">Thgs get even funnier when Bno asks Pastor Qun, "How many years have you been straight?" When Qun tells him he's been straight all his life, Bno's hysteril rponse is a shocked, "What?" And what he asks him next is… Well, jt watch the clip below to see that, pl Pastor Qun's no holds barred opn on <em>Will & Grace</em> (ht: he's not a fan). </p> <p class="jsx-3649800006 "> </p> <p class="jsx-3649800006 "> </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 "> <output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span></figure></output> <strong>Bno LA</strong><br/><strong>Episo: <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Art</a></strong> </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 "> Before he got his own realy seri, <em>Blow Out</em>, hairstylist Jonathan Ant had a one-on-one enunter wh Bno a <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Season 1</a> episo of <em>Da Ali G Show</em>. How do you know someone is probably not troubled or crazy? When they scribe themselv, as Ant do to Bno, wh the words, "I'm a troubled, crazy, f**kg maniac that has a lot of feelgs, and a lot of emotn and a lot of crazs." </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 ">Durg their nversatn, Bno first gets Ant to say that when to Middle Eastern men wh mtach, "Most of them are a ltle f**ked up. They're a ltle weird." But don't worry, there n be posive stereotyp too! When Bno asks Ant, "Is a cince that all the good people have long hair, like J, and hippi, Rod Stewart, whatever?" Ant is pretty much thrilled. First off, he feels a nnectn bee, "I've done Rod Stewart's hair for a long time." But what really mak this scene soar is Ant sudnly feelg like he's stg next to someone who is his te tellectual equal, as he tells Bno, "I'm very imprsed that you've brought the issu up, bee I've thought about them a uple of tim my reer." Ant go on to say that he's imprsed, bee, "I've never heard anyone else brg up." And what do he thk about discsg the important issue of hair length and beg 'good'? "Du, that's so heavy." </p> <br/> <em>Sacha Baron Cohen's follow up to his hysteril </em>Borat<em> has arrived - Y ed, </em>Bno<em> is here. Like Borat, Bno is likely a brand new character to many who are gog to see the film, but there are also plenty of who know that the history of Bno go back many years. <p class="jsx-3649800006 ">In fact, the flamboyantly gay, Atrian Bno first appeared edy sketch datg back to 1998, before Cohen then brought the character as part of his first rnatn of </p></em>Da Ali G Show<em>, which buted England 2000. However, was the 2003 premiere of the US versn of </em>Da Ali G Show<em> that would give Bno – along wh other classic Cohen characters Ali G and Borat – his first major exposure the US. In segments tled "Funkyze M Bno", we watched as Bno traveled the untry, and om fashn shows to gun shows, always ma an imprsn. <p class="jsx-3649800006 ">So whether you jt got home om seeg </p></em>Bno<em> or are on your way to , we thought we'd help you look back at a few of the most noteworthy Bno moments om the HBO versn of </em>Da Ali G Show<em>.</em> <p class="jsx-3649800006 "> <output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span></figure></output> <strong>Fashn Polizei </strong> <br/><strong>Episo: <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Peace</a></strong> </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 "> That dark, evil re of fashn Bno exposed before? It up aga this segment, where he brgs some guts to a stud to discs celebri and their fashn sense. We start off wh a "fashn gu" named Leon Hall, who don't blk an eye when Bno brgs up nam like Ricky Mart and <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Burt Reynolds</a> and then asks the metaphoril qutn, "Keep him the ghetto or tra to Achwz?" Leon has quick rpons to those qutn and to whether Liza Mnelli should have "a benign tumor or malignant tumor" and whether to give <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Jack Black</a> "ndy or ncer?" </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 ">But that's jt a prelu for Bno's next terview, wh stylist Jam Campbell and fashn signer Randy McLghl. The two are told to give their opns on celebry fashn om awards shows photos – and quickly prove their opn n flip on a dime if you ask them to - and basilly not to tst a thg they say. Oh, and jt for good measure, there's no objectns to when Bno scrib Peter Jackson's look as, "Not as big, but 's kd of a mi 9/11." Repli Campbell, "Yeah, he's a fashn terrorist!" </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 ">The highlight though is when Campbell and McLghl, phed by Bno to sult as much as possible, tear to a <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Paris Hilton</a> picture. Says Campbell, "This is disgtg! Who'd want to f**k that?" But wa! Bno tells them the Hilton fay -fanc his show and they need to re-do their ments. Campbell's send take? "Hot! Here's a star! This is how every girl on the red rpet should drs." </p> <p class="jsx-3649800006 "> </p> <p class="jsx-3649800006 "> </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 "> <output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span></figure></output> <strong>Sprg Break</strong><br/><strong>Episo: <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Realns</a></strong> </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 ">Ah, the joys of Sprg Break and the joys of guys lvg ep to homoeroticism, whout a clue that they're dog so. Bno go to Daytona Beach, Florida, where he fds a group of young wrtlers, who are all too happy to show Bno a few mov – and don't seem to realize Bno's joys at grabbg them and fallg on top of them. You n almost feel Cohen beg to thk, "Wow, let's see how far I n ph this," as he then enurag the guys to scream and yell, to flex their mcl, and eventually to pull down their pants and expose their butts to his mera. It's jt a bunch of dus hangg out and partyg, right? </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 ">All of this sets up the punchle, as Bno reveals to one of the wrtlers that he's on Atria's "gay TV" – and we see this guy jt eak out, credibly upset, proclaimg, "There's no f**kg gay TV volved this!" Yeah, Bno! Get wh ! The guys were jt hangg on the beach, play wrtlg, takg off their shirts, flexg and showg off their butts to a vio mera together! </p> <p class="jsx-3649800006 "> <output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span></figure></output> </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 "> </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 "> <strong>Bno Viss a Psychic</strong> </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 "> This sequence didn't make onto any episos of <em>Da Ali G Show</em>, but was clud on the <a href=" target="_blank" class="jsx-955973305 unrled" class="tolk" rel="noopener noreferrer">Season 2</a> DVD – And 's a good thg too, sce 's a great one. </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 ">Bno go to see a "medium and wizard" by the name of Merl (of urse), and while thgs are humoro om the start, really gets gog when Bno asks to munite wh his ad lover, Jonas. Dpe havg given himself such a ridiculo name, you really have to admire Merl here, for the way he stays lm and level spe Bno's creasgly outlandish statements and requts. Asked to tell Jonas that Bno is wearg the "special panti" Jonas gave him, Merl simply repli, "He knows." </p><p class="jsx-3649800006 ">But the bt is when Bno begs to get angry after hearg Jonas is happy the afterlife, g Merl to remark, "This is great. Now I'm g an terdimensnal jealoy suatn here." When Merl tri to assure Bno that Jonas jt wants Bno not to worry about him, Bno adpans, "So he's givg me the whole move on thg aga." And that's before he tri to get Merl to nvce Jonas that Bno and Merl are a uple who jt had the "bt sex of our liv." What else n Merl say at this pot than, "Uh… You're puttg me a ticklish suatn." </p> <p class="jsx-3649800006 "> </p> </sectn></sectn><div class="stack jsx-2881464549"><div id="p-article-before-verdict" class="jsx-1985944744 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><div class="jsx-303009029 adun-wrapper"><div class="jsx-303009029 bobble bobble-1 pogot pg-article"><div data-mix-name="sendaryMedrec" data-pos="1" data-pogo-hi="1" class="jsx-343126785 pogo-slot"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="jsx-3517015813 right-rail"></div></div></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 page-ntent"><div id="p-article-below-all-article-ntent" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><h3 class="tle3 jsx-115949532">In This Article</h3><sectn class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787 object-summary-embed"><div class="box jsx-2911101772"><div class="ObjectSummaryEmbed_object-ntaer__hb9z4"><div class="ObjectSummaryEmbed_object-loar__LeEK8"></div><div class="ObjectSummaryEmbed_object-tails__UwCNz"><div class="ObjectSummaryEmbed_object-thumbnail__h2Bot"><div class="jsx-142634466 object-thumbnail"><figure class="jsx-4143518889 aspect-rat aspect-rat-1-1"><img dg="async" alt="Da Ali G Show" src=" srcSet=" 1x, 2x" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image object-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round expand"/></figure></div></div><div class="ObjectSummaryEmbed_object-tle-lumn__fc73H"><a href="/tv/da-ali-g-show" class="tle5 jsx-1231161345 jsx-957202555 tle">Da Ali G Show</a><div class="stack jsx-3465796296 meta-ems jsx-3609068095 subtle"><div class="stack jsx-2562410857 meta-em"><a href="/tv/publisher/hbo-tv" tle="Networks" data-cy="embed-publisherLk" class="ptn jsx-1189612256 muted">HBO</a></div><div class="jsx-1608829512 divir vertil"></div><div class="stack jsx-2562410857 meta-em"><time class="ptn jsx-1189612256 muted">Feb 21, 2003</time></div></div></div></div></div></div></sectn><div id="p-article-below-object-summary" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><div id="p-article-below-object-review" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 page-ntent"><div id="p-article-below-nnatix" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 three-lumn"><div class="jsx-1897904587 bottom-ntent"><sectn id="ments-sectn" class="jsx-1897904587 ments-sectn"><div data-spotim-module="nversatn" data-post-id="4fac1eb64024552c7682b6" data-post-url="></div><div style="marg-right:1em"><div data-spotim-module="pc"></div></div></sectn></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 bottom-right-rail"><div class="jsx-1247231955 ign-remends"><h3 class="tle3 jsx-739685789 ign-remends-headle"><svg class="ign-in jsx-2881019173 in-logo" focable="false" viewBox="0 0 76 24" aria-hidn="false" role="img"><tle>IGN

austrian gay tv bruno

Bno, a gay Atrian fashn gu is acplished wh his own TV show, Funkyze. All hell breaks loose when he gras himself ont of his fan base. He then cis to move to USA wh Lutz.



Brish edian Sacha Baron Cohen's new movie about a fictnal gay Atrian fashn fanatic who wants to be "the most famo Atrian sce Adolf Hler" has some Atrians up arms even before s release next month. * austrian gay tv bruno *

Real Gay Atrian?!

The du ught the middle is Alfons Hair -- he's proud to be gay, he's to fashn, and (jt like Bno) he's also been known to pare himself to Zac Eon. The only parisons I n thk of is that I'm Atrian, I'm gay, and I work for televisn, but the rt is pletely fictn. In fact, the flamboyantly gay, Atrian Bno first appeared edy sketch datg back to 1998, before Cohen then brought the character as part of his first rnatn of Da Ali G Show, which buted England 2000.


" Der Gay Convertor Episo: Rpek Say you're Pastor Qun, and you not only believe homosexualy is a s, but believe you n nvert gay people and turn them straight.


Brüno - Bno, a gay Atrian fashn gu is... - ClickView .