The Mystic Krewe of Amon-Ra – Celebratg Our 59th Gay Mardi Gras Ball January 2024

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Celebrate the g of Mardi Gras wh the largt Gay Mardi Gras Clubs - the Krewe of Armei.


    Gay Mardi Gras gave birth to untls LGBTQ Mardi Gras krew: Armei, Petroni, Lords of Leather. Click here to fd LGBTQ Mardi Gras paras, krew, events and more. * gay mardi gras ball new orleans *

    While the first official gay Carnival krewe, the Krewe of Yuga, was formed the late 1950s, “Gay Mardi Gras” had been gog on unrground way before then. Though no longer active, Yuga gave birth to other gay Carnival krew, cludg the Krewe of Petroni and the Krewe of Amon-Ra, both of which are still active.

    While on the surface Mardi Gras appears to be no more than a party, many say Gay Mardi Gras helped her the Gay Rights Movement the Uned Stat. Here are some of the bt-known gay Carnival balls. Typilly held on the Saturday before Mardi Gras Day, Armei’ missn is to prerve the ctoms of gay Carnival and to help te those who seek to learn more.

    One of the olst gay Carnival krew the cy, Petroni was found 1961 and has served as a jumpg-off pot for other krew. Other Gay Carnival Events.


    The Mystic Krewe of Amon-Ra – Celebratg Our 59th Gay Mardi Gras Ball January 2024.
