botar pluma (gay) | WordReference Foms

pluma gay meaning

Translate Pluma gay. See Spanish-English translatns wh d pronunciatns, exampl, and word-by-word explanatns.



* pluma gay meaning *

Also known for beg the spot where many out-of-staters get themselv to trouble at the lol waterg the Plumas County the Spanish gays say “masc”Term ed by the gay male speci native to Spa, homoerect pañolish: pluma, like feather, refers to more fem gays. Hence “s pluma” would be a gay whout femene the S pluma mug.


" I thk has to do wh beg gay (homosexual). Y, means beg clearly gay for men. I mean actg gay if means somethg.

In fact, you don't have to be a gay, you n "tener pluma" although you are heterosexual. If you act (talk, walk) like a gay you "tien pluma".

Y you don't need to be one but if you act like a gay, if you tien pluma, everyone would believe you are a gay.


So, tener pluma is trsilly related to be gay. Tener pluma or soltar plumas refers to the mannerisms that some, though not necsarily all, gay people exprs when talkg or walkg, as has been said above. And some people who are not gay too, who may be mistaken for beg what they are not.

And don't necsarily mean actg flamboyantly gay. But, suppose I want to be ntral, certaly not cril, and jt state that when a iend fally "nfsed" that he was gay, I answered "That's OK, we'd all gused that years ago".


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