Traduce pluma gay. Ver traduccn en glés y pañol n pronunciacn d, ejemplos y traduccn palabra por palabra.
* pluma gay version ingles *
Also known for beg the spot where many out-of-staters get themselv to trouble at the lol waterg the Plumas County the Spanish gays say “masc”Term ed by the gay male speci native to Spa, homoerect pañolish: pluma, like feather, refers to more fem gays. Hence “s pluma” would be a gay whout femene the S pluma mug. " I thk has to do wh beg gay (homosexual).
Y, means beg clearly gay for men. I mean actg gay if means somethg. In fact, you don't have to be a gay, you n "tener pluma" although you are heterosexual.
Defn of ¿Gay? Si no tien pluma. en glés. Gay? You don't look gay. Tener pluma = To look gay PS: Don't say this exprsn, you uld sound .|@ainhall120 "Masc gay" * pluma gay version ingles *
If you act (talk, walk) like a gay you "tien pluma". Y you don't need to be one but if you act like a gay, if you tien pluma, everyone would believe you are a gay.