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Z"></path></g></g></g></svg><span class="jsx-1495522993">72</span></a></div></div></div></div></hear><div class="jsx-838399698 story__ntent"><div><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842168" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 10.59.37 AM" width="683" height="502"></p><p>Above is the Barstool Sports “State Of The Unn” om September 3, 2003. Dave wrote a year after he began…, check that…Dave wrote a “State Of The Unn” one WEEK after lnchg his ee newspaper. Low key the most prepostero thg he’s ever done. He probably had 3 rears at the time, but felt was important enough to addrs them, and then sign off as “publisher”. Simply amazg. But now, 14 years later, we n officially say we have been our <l>fancy</l> cent enough Barstool Sports headquarters for a year now. Oh how time fli. There have been tons of ups and downs, an endls amounts of sweat, piss, vom, and male nudy, and untls body bags hand out, spellg mistak, and Twter fights (and Boom Offs) wh haters and losers, of which there are many. But spe all that, we survived a year HQ, opened a 2nd floor, and keep on growg by the day.</p><p>So orr to <l>be as self servg as possible and to get the maximum amount of RTs,</l> fully regnize our first year at HQ, I prent the Barstool Sports “40 Unr 40″ list. The 40 people unr the age of 40 at Barstool Sports who keep the rocket ship flyg towards the moon, and the pirate ship blastg Ball Don’t Lie shirts at our enemi. The factors clud were “is the person unr 40?” and “do this person work at Barstool Sports”? So I prent, no orr (wk, wk), the 40 Unr 40.</p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p><strong>Milmore</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842205" src=" alt="qt3FYv0x" width="316" height="316"></p><p>Milmore is the man. He uld possibly be the most talented guy at Barstool and don’t give a fuckkkkkkk if anyone knows . He (sometim), puts his head down, and gets to work. He mak all sorts of gifs, graphics, and rtoons for all of our var shows, om podsts like Pardon My Take to the new smash h succs Barstool Tailgate Show. And of urse his weekly Barstool Short where he satiriz and roasts the entire office. Milmore is a superstar behd the scen, and everyone should know .</p><p><strong>KFC</strong></p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p></p><p><vio toplay loop muted playsle alt="200_s" tle="unfed"><source src=" type="vio/mp4"><source src=" type="image/eg"></vio></p><p>Your boy KFC is a legend. He’s been wh Barstool for forever, and lnched his first podst when CD players were still around. This du LOVES podsts. Like I wish I loved anythg as much as Kev lov dog podsts, and he’s really fuckg good at them. I’m pretty sure he has like 7 podsts gog right now. And the rad show. And the Rundown. And his daily vios. And he still blogs. *ep breath* and he has a gaggle of children to take re of… a hoe that floods if you trip over the uch and spill your cup of water. He is the most hateful motherfucker alive, and will go to war agast anyone and everyone. Jt please stop sug him. Please.</p><p><strong>Big Cat, PFT, and Hank</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842217" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 11.26.02 AM" width="511" height="334"></p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p></p><p>Maybe you’ve heard of the guys? Host a ltle show lled “Pardon My Take”. Ever heard of ? Sce they lnched the podst a ltle over a year ago, has quickly bee the biggt podst known to man. And ’s bee Dan “Big Cat” Cat, P “PFT Commenter” FT Commenter, and Hank “Hank” Hank will do que lerally anythg for ntent, cludg pissg themselv, shovg chili down their adult diapers, and chuggg k until they pe. The podst mak Barstool a sh ton of money, so that’s really ol too. Individually, Big Cat is still one of the funnit bloggers on the ter, PFT bends mds every Monday wh his MMBM, and Hank do a ton of vio work and social media, surg the podst stays on top.</p><p><strong>John H Feelberg</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842253" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 11.56.35 AM" width="412" height="357"></p><p>John H Feelberg is a natnal treasure. The pri of (sert small fishg town here) Massachetts, there’s not one thg that is off lims wh this guy (see: New Orleans, hot tub). He is a dited Tom Brady fan, ndom salman, and n beat the sh out of you wh a pillow at a moment’s notice. One half of the wildly succsful KFC Rad podst, he will keep you lghg until he evably los all of his teeth om dippg.</p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p></p><p><strong>Trent And Riggs, The Boondoggle Boys</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842239" src=" alt="C65Jh_5WkAA06kS" width="617" height="305"></p><p>If there’s a vatn to be had, the Boondoggle Boys will be there to take , all the name of ntent. Hey, those golf urs aren’t jt gog to s there and play themselv. In between lavish vatns, Trent and Riggs also host the biggt golf podst known to man, ForePlay, which is a funny play on words. Get ? Like sex? Together they are a great team, and separate you n always unt on a warm se om Trent and a remr om Riggs that he played hockey at Harvard. Teamwork mak the dream work.</p><p><strong>Clemzgis</strong></p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842277" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 12.14.34 PM" width="510" height="338"></p><p>Clem (above, right) is the Lovable Latvian we never knew we always need until he me to our liv. He’s the office uncle- he will be there for a word of advice, a iendly suggtn, or to eat ndy wh you behd everyone else’s back. When he’s not snack’ off or hostg the Podfathers Podst, which is an credible listen even if you don’t have children that you rent, he’s Latvia stalkg Kristaps Porzgis…que lerally. Fd someone wh a bad word to say about Clem and I will h that person over the head wh a tack hammer.</p><p><strong>Edor Chief Keh “KMarko” Marko</strong></p><p>Is he a statue?</p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842290" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 12.21.45 PM" width="297" height="464"></p><p>A dog?</p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842292" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 12.22.13 PM" width="283" height="459"></p><p>Or maybe a t?</p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842293" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 12.22.05 PM" width="394" height="303"></p><p>Wrong! He’s a man!</p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842295" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 12.22.19 PM" width="334" height="352"></p><p>And a dang great one at that! Edor Chief KMarko is the force that keeps the blog motn, while still fdg time to blog about lennials  between. While he prefers not to be on mera, he was the host of the gural Barstool Idol, where he got rave reviews.</p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p></p><p><strong>Young Percviews & His Intern Dana</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842303" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 12.35.30 PM" width="397" height="354"></p><p>Instead of stayg  the porn dtry and gettg powerbombed left and right, YP me to Barstool to head up “Stool Scen”, a crilly acclaimed vio seri where he films the office and then tak as much out of ntext as possible orr to e as much ntroversy as he n. YP has never met a mera he didn’t want to be ont of, which is ironic bee his job is lerally to be behd one, but that’s never stopped him om talkg over everythg that he’s filmg. He is assisted by his tern Dana, who works hard on edg all day, all night. I will not wre that his sister is tryg to fuck El Pr bee that is not important.</p><p><strong>Robbie Fox </strong></p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842332" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 1.13.54 PM" width="451" height="356"></p><p>Some ll him a risg star. Some ll him the No Flch Kid. But most jt ll him Octagon Bob. After g to Barstool to produce Fore Play as a wee 18 year old lad, he quickly started makg his own ntent, turng heads and crackg skulls until he land a full time gig. He now hosts From The Top Rope, a wrtlg podst, while bloggg about MMA, wrtlg, and Star Wars, if he n fd time to do so between fuckg all the super mols.</p><p><strong>Chicks In The Office</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842336" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 1.21.41 PM" width="471" height="330"></p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p></p><p>Chicks! Yeah, we have a uple of them, nbd, jt a progrsive pany dog progrsive pany thgs. Ria and Fran recently buted “Chicks In The Office” and their vios regularly get 100s of thoands of views. Is that good? It seems good. Ria was featured promently last season’s “Larry’s Picks” wh the PMT boys, and Fran is also the -owner of the Spir Monkeys fantasy football team, and is the sole reason we are 1-0 on the year.</p><p><strong>Caleb</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842342" src=" alt="2qhjYC2a" width="410" height="410"></p><p>Caleb wears many hats the office, which is unfortunate bee he has credible hair. Bis his top ranked podst “Young And Happy”, he n be found sayg dozens of words daily on Barstool Rad, and now n also be seen on the weekly Snapchat show “5th Year”. When he blogs, they are hilar and well worth the 6 months between.</p><p><strong>Rone</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842355" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 1.32.25 PM" width="427" height="320"></p><p>I thk I love Rone more than I love my own fay. There’s nothg he n’t do. His “Dis Week” raps are the most credible thgs I’ve ever heard. I n listen 5 tim and still fd a new play on words that I didn’t notice before. When he is on rad he is a natural, and his man on the street vios, often wh the aforementned Caleb, are always A+. The bt thg is Rone is a world champn battle rapper, but will never say a mean word about anyone. Easily the most posive guy the office day and day out. Rone is leg the bt.</p><p><strong>Smty</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842358" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 1.35.43 PM" width="331" height="473"></p><p>Smty is a hardo. Not the “ha ha, what a wacky character” way, but a real life, all enpassg hardo. Not that there’s anythg wrong wh that. When he’s not sellg pasta or dnk textg his boss “Jew!” at 3 the morng, he n be seen on Twter dog hardo thgs or on the se makg hardo vios. Did you know he drks? He also lik the Eagl.</p><p><strong>Super Producer BC</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842364" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 1.44.39 PM" width="403" height="403"></p><p>You know how history there is always one person who isn’t talked much about, but that peron turns out to be the reason somethg gormo happened? That’s Super Producer BC for Barstool Sports. He was the drivg force behd brgg podsts and other multimedias to Barstool, and still is today. He works tirelsly on a ton of the podsts and is ntually g up wh new ias for shows and vios. BC is the man.</p><p><strong>Beardo</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842562" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 4.37.02 PM" width="406" height="409"></p><p>Let me tell you a thg about Beardo- nothg about him mak sense. First of all, he don’t have a beard. Send of all, he ed to do NYC Smokhows of the Day. That’s how he got volved. He did his day job, and then posted smokhows on Barstool NYC. And now what is Beardo dog? He’s nng meetg wh the big whigs om the Chern Group. Serly. We had an all hands meetg a uple weeks ago, and BEARDO was leadg . What an amazg trajectory to the top. It’d be like if tomorrow one of the 30 terns who ed to s the reclers and do nothg set up shop Erika’s office. Fuck’ Beardo, man.</p><p><strong>Frankie the Pizza Maker</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842373" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 1.49.56 PM" width="385" height="420"></p><p>Young Frankie the Pizza Maker. Bright eyed and bhy tailed. Hoodie and jeans. Blue Collar Borrelli. A real grr’s grr. Went home on weekends to help wh the ol’ fay pizza shop. Frankie me  to Barstool for tern terviews, and left wh a full time gig as Dave’s right hand man. His ma jobs now are to film pizza reviews and produce Barstool Rad, as well as do whatever Dave needs done.</p><p><strong>New Frankie </strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842378" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 1.52.52 PM" width="429" height="356"></p><p>Old Frankie n’t e to the phone bee Old Frankie is DEAD. New Frankie GQ stts around the office like he owns the place. He wore a neon shirt on Tuday, and wore some pat-splattered hot shot shirt yterday. A lot different om the days of yonr he ed to wear an Islanrs tshirt 4 tim a week. I love New Frankie, ’s a solid rebrand for the pizza maker.</p><p><strong>Gaz</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842396" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 1.58.32 PM" width="336" height="452"></p><p>To be hont, I haven’t a clue what his job is. His name is also Sal Guy but he don’t do sal. I know he do somethg wh Instagram, but I n’t really ppot . What I do know is Gaz knows where every body is buried, and when the FBI for , he’s the first person they’re gog to waterboard. Irreplaceable.</p><p><strong>Pat McAfee and His Savag</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842401" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 2.01.16 PM" width="440" height="364"></p><p>I love McAfee. He walked away om an NFL ntract worth lns of dollars to bee a podster for Barstool wh his bt iends. He opened a fantasy factory out Indy to work om, and is easily one of my favore people I’ve ever met. His group of savag are equally wonrful. When he’s not podstg, he’s also part of the new Barstool Tailgate Show and gets tons of RTs for breakg down a punt</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></div><p><strong>Coley, Tyler, and the Social Media Crew</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842405" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 2.04.26 PM" width="356" height="438"></p><p>Coley (right) and Tyler (middle) are the new Dudley Boys. People fet, but Tyler is black, not that matters but I’m jt sayg but not bee I need to. They do the Mickstape Podst together by day, and n the Barstool Sports Twter page by night. Some rival pani of ours have somethg like 50 people to n their social pag, and they SUCK. Coley and Tyler, as well as Mara, domate the rt of the ter wh our Twter. They might do the Insta too. Or that might be Gaz. Who knows. Also Devl do Instagram stori, and he’s fuckg funny as hell. And I thk a few other people chime here and there as well. Regardls, our social team is awome.</p><p><strong>Nate</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842407" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 2.07.29 PM" width="405" height="351"></p><p>Handsome. Irristible. Fantastic poker player. Has a Roth IRA. Simply put, Barstool Nate, whose real name is Eric, is the full package. He is a fantastic blogger who posss a wonrful way wh words, and n often be found on Barstool Rad dog a terrible job fendg his very rrect pots. He is a big fan of Fantasy Labs, your one stop shop for all thgs daily fantasy sports.</p><p><strong>Lightswch Lou and the Sal Peeps</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842409" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 2.11.19 PM" width="394" height="389"></p><p>Lightswch Lou is a MANIAC and nobody would have any other way. Who works harr than Lou? Nobody. When you’re sleepg, he’s workg. When you’re workg, he’s workg even harr than you uld even dream of workg. Pl he’s gamblg every step of the way. If there’s a soccer game Tibet, Lou has money on . Him and his team of sal guys and gals (cludg and pecially Kelly) keep the lights on so the bloggers n do their magic.</p><p><strong>Rnick and the Other 2nd Floor Nerds</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842413" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 2.14.51 PM" width="438" height="279"></p><p>Rnick is the CFO of this pany. What that means is he cis when we n spend money, and if he had his way, would be lerally never. But apparently “how a pany mak money” is by “not wastg ”. Weird ncept, but I gus ’s workg so far. Speakg of that, Erika said Barstool n pay for my pany-wi birthday party at Olive Garn. See ya there! But I digrs, Rnick and his nerd army down on the 2nd floor all work hard to make sure everythg is nng as smoothly as possible, there’s no moon whout them.</p><p><strong>Erika Nardi</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842417" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 2.17.58 PM" width="440" height="276"></p><p>A gentleman never asks the age of a lady, so I have to assume CEO Erika Nardi (middle) is somewhere between 23 and 28. And if Barstool Sports is flyg to the moon, the Nard Dog is the pilot of the rocketship. All she do is work. Meetgs on meetgs on meetgs. I saw her yell at someone on the phone once and I gasped fear. Pretty sure they stroked  a check for 5 ln dollars right after that phone ll. Even though she sometim texts people after 5pm, Nardi has done credible work such a short time, cludg securg als wh Comedy Central, Siri XM, Facebook, Twter, MLB, and untls other works and advertisers. She’s the GOAT.</p><p><strong>Ebony</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-843199" src=" alt="Screen-Shot-2017-09-13-at-2.36.42-PM-141x300" width="169" height="360"></p><p>Ebony is our secury guard. She is always posted up wh a taser her hand, ready to handle any wackadoos that make their way off the street. She always greets you wh a se, is willg to help wh whatever you need, and will lerally murr a person for you. Pl she giv street cred.</p><p><strong>Uncle Chaps</strong></p><p><vio toplay loop muted playsle alt="giphy" tle="unfed"><source src=" type="vio/mp4"><source src=" type="image/eg"></vio></p><p>I know I’ve said a bunch of nice stuff about people, but there aren’t enough good words to say about Chaps. He’s probably my favore blogger bis myself on the Inter. Everythg he wr is lgh out loud funny. He csh on Podfathers, and his ary podst Zero Blog Thirty wh Capta Cons is my weekly rotatn. And a’t easy to get my weekly rotatn. Chaps’ Twter game is send to none, and overall, he’s jt a light.</p><p><strong>Donnie Do</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842453" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 2.50.16 PM" width="543" height="372"></p><p>Holy sh, how many talented people work at this fuckg pany? I’ve been wrg this blog for hours now, thought I was almost done, and jt got to Donnie? He’s one of the funnit people on the PLANET, nevermd at Barstool. When I watch his vios om Cha, like “Woah That’s Weird” when he eats all the weird sh, I’m astonished he’s not a mega star.</p><p><strong>Jared Carrabis, Dallas Bran, and Their Cast of Characters</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842461" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 2.58.22 PM" width="468" height="361"></p><p>I’ve been askg Jared to move to NYC sce we first moved here, and at long last, he fally did. Even though he’s only 14 years old, he’s already tablished himself as one of the top baseball wrers on the ter. He now has his very own show “Startg 9″, where he discs what Chris Sale had for lunch, what Chris Sale had for dner, and what Chris Sale’s hair smells like.</p><p>Carrabis (pronounced Care-a-bis) is joed by Dallas Bran, who once threw a perfect game the big leagu (people fet that) and is now a full time employee at Barstool Sports,</p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-843061" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-14 at 11.50.41 AM" width="351" height="507"></p><p>producer the Jay Hay Kid, and Brian Wilson, who ed to have a beard but now don’t. Jared also -hosts Off The Top Rope wh Robbie Fox, and do a ln rad hs the Boston area. And he lifts. Bro.</p><p><strong>Tex and the Viceroys</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842463" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 3.02.52 PM" width="431" height="535"></p><p>Tex is such an enigma. Some days he’s ep his Tex character and unflappable, other days he’s light hearted and a jokter. I don’t even thk he knows which Tex he will be on any given day. Dpe that, he ns the Barstool llege Viceroy program, where he overse almost 300 Twter acunts for universi across the untry. He also now has multiple croni the office, workg directly unr him. Like…Tex is lerally the peopl boss. It’s sane. But that’s Tex life.</p><p><strong>All Biz Pete and Andrew</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842464" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 3.05.51 PM" width="569" height="276"></p><p>A reformed Nazi, All Biz Pete is monly referred to as the most important behd the scen guy at Barstool. He do all the tech stuff, both d, vio, Facebook Live, podsts, lightg, Rough n Rowdy, Super Bowl…you name , Biz do . When the people hired to do a good job end up dog a bad job, Pete is brought to make work aga. And his 2nd mand Andrew mak sure everythg go off whout a hch. That beg said, maybe we should have more than 2 tech guys? Nah, Biz and Andrew got this sh unr ntrol.</p><p><strong>Loud Sean, John Kelly and Budha Ben</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842465" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 3.11.13 PM" width="581" height="384"></p><p>Our three vio guys: Loud Sean, bt known om the disastro basketball game agast…someone, John Kelly who produc and eds most of Francis’ vios, and Budha Ben who produc Young And Happy and films/eds a ton of vios. Most all of the vio ntent that go up on Barstool go through 1 of the 3 of them first. They lead a team that clus Tom, Colby, and others to make sure all vio ntent cludg stuff that go on Facebook is eded and good to go.</p><p><strong>Zah the Ain Midget</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842609" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 5.51.53 PM" width="504" height="655"></p><p>Not only is Zah black, but a midget too! Checkg all sorts of box wh him. Straight om Zimbabwe as well. Though at 27 years old he’s a full  olr than most #GoPrGo guys, his small stature more than mak up for . I’m not posive what Zah actually do all day bis ll for Smty to get fired, but he’s part of the Portnoy Posse, and beg Dave’s personal ironer sounds like a cent enough gig.</p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></div><p><strong>Office Manager Brett</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842470" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 3.15.41 PM" width="434" height="509"></p><p>This Ellen Degener ass lookg guy. OMB has the most thankls job the office. It probably don’t help he was hired whout ever managg an office before, but that’s neher here nor there. When he’s not makg sure we never have enough water the office, he is bookg flights, hotel rooms, settg up meetgs, and promotg himself to COO. Brett do most thgs right, but man, we really need more bottled water here.</p><p><strong>Shea and Keegan Clancy</strong></p><div class="oembed__wrapper"><a href=" data-iamely-url="></a><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></div><p>The two youngt full time employe bis Robbie Fox, Shea and Keegan Clancy are tour forc the blog world. When they aren’t shtg all over themselv and makg their papa’s life a livg hell, they…well I gus they are always shtg and makg Kev’s life a livg hell. But Shea and Keegs have won the hearts of all of Stoolie Natn, and ’s kda awome how much oler KFC’s kids are than him.</p><p><strong>All The Wrers Who Keep The SPORTS In Barstool SPORTS/</strong><strong>Gay Pat, Glenny Balls, and the Part Time Posse</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-842474" src=" alt="topic_sport_logo" width="400" height="225"></p><p>The bt b gog is every time we do a blog that isn’t directly related to sports, someone, whout fail on Twter, will reply un-ironilly “I thought this was Barstool SPORTS”. Well, shout out to all the wrers who are keepg the SPORTS Barstool SPORTS. Banks, RDT, Rear Ads, Greenie, Jordie, Hubbs, JJ,etc etc etc (sorry Old Balls, you’re too old for this list). The sports wrers also keep our se pure- ’s straight up fans wrg about their teams, and often ’s much better stuff than you n get om “real” journalists. And at the same time, shout out to the homi like Gay Pat and Glenny Balls who do vios and blogs outsi of the sports realm. And big shout out to Capta Cons for holdg down wh Chaps on Zero Blog Thirty and providg unlimed amounts of gr to our tramural sports teams.</p><p><strong>Jeff and the Tech Nerds</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842478" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 3.30.45 PM" width="413" height="317"></p><p>We have a gaggle of tech nerds who do dg, programg, terface, App stuff, sign stuff, and other nerd stuff that I haven’t a clue about. We probably need 100 more of them, but Jeff and his nerds work 24/7 tryg to make sure our webse only crash once a month stead of once a day.</p><p><strong>Julie Stewart-Bks</strong></p><p><img class="alignnone wp-image-842568" src=" alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 4.45.31 PM" width="534" height="333"></p><p>Julie Stewart-Bks the hoe! Hasn’t even been here a week and has already tablished herself as a powerhoe the Barstool world. The k hasn’t even dried on her ntract yet and she’s already bumped Dave out as host of the Barstool Tailgate Show. What will she do next? Only time will tell, but the Pirate Ship has a lady on board and she’s takg no prisoners.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Welks and Chip</strong></p><p></p></div><div class="jsx-2462984785 bs-muteMediaAd"><br/></div><div class="jsx-71c645c9237c9ec2 storyTags"><a class="jsx-71c645c9237c9ec2 storyTag" href="/topics/40-unr-40">40 unr 40</a><a class="jsx-71c645c9237c9ec2 storyTag storyTag--toggle">+ <!-- -->3<!-- --> Tags</a></div></div><div class="jsx-1453688072 storyMeta storyMeta--bottom "><div class="jsx-1453688072 storyMeta__left"><a class="jsx-1453688072 storyMeta__thor storyMeta__thor--active"><img alt="Nate" src=" class="jsx-1453688072 avatar"/><div class="jsx-1453688072 byle"><span class="jsx-1453688072 thorName">Nate</span><span class="jsx-1453688072 timtamp">9/14/2017 5:00 PM</span></div></a></div><div class="jsx-1453688072 storyMeta__right"><div class="jsx-1495522993 block-wrapper"><div class="jsx-1495522993 shargLks "><div class="jsx-1495522993 shargLks__social "><a class="jsx-1495522993 shargLk shargLk--facebook"><svg viewBox="0 0 15 33" class="svgIn socialIn inFacebook" style="width:to;height:1rem;fill:#FFF"><tle>Facebook

gay barstool employee

Lnchg Thursday is a brightly lored nned vodka and soda beverage lled Gay Water that proudly displays who ’s for, stead of backg off om support for the LGBTQ+ muny like Bud Light did.



* gay barstool employee *

But Shea and Keegs have won the hearts of all of Stoolie Natn, and ’s kda awome how much oler KFC’s kids are than The Wrers Who Keep The SPORTS In Barstool SPORTS/Gay Pat, Glenny Balls, and the Part Time PosseThe bt b gog is every time we do a blog that isn’t directly related to sports, someone, whout fail on Twter, will reply un-ironilly “I thought this was Barstool SPORTS”.

And at the same time, shout out to the homi like Gay Pat and Glenny Balls who do vios and blogs outsi of the sports realm. New York (CNN) — In a sea of nned cktails, Gay Water wants to stand out. In other words, where Bud Light has buckled unr prsure as bigotry grows agast the LGBTQ+ muny, Gay Water’s creator Spencer Hodson wants his new boozy brand to be the anthis of that.


A gay ach was fired om a nservative Christian llege Beaver County. * gay barstool employee *

“The key issue that Bud Light tapped to was the fact that they didn’t unrstand their re dience and know enough about them, ” Hodson, a gay man, told CNN about the ntroversy that began when the Anhser-Bch beer brand sent fluencer Dylan Mulvaney a n of beer. Gay Water, however, is out and proud. The nned cktail is named after a lloquialism given to the popular mixed drk (vodka and soda) orred at bars by the gay muny.

“Puttg a product wh the word gay the tle is reprentatn self, ” which he hop reclaims the word om the negativy ’s sometim associated wh. He thought of creatg Gay Water about a year ago while on a vatn wh his iend that had got a job wh the beverage dtry. The two chatted about the limed amount of gay people wh , and wh Hodson burnt out om his tradnal day job tech, started the nned cktail.

Hodson built up a strong social media followg on TikTok and Instagram durg Covid-19 and is g some of the money om that (as well as om iends and fay) to help fund Gay Water.


“Gay is an umbrella term and the ia behd the brand is to be as clive as possible, which means we want alli, we want straight people to be part of this muny we’re buildg. For now, Gay Water is sold largely onle (wh a few retailers) and four sugar-ee flavors — watermelon, lime, peach and grapeu — at lnch. Gay Water might not have the ep pockets pared to s petors, like Whe Claw, but “even at small sle, pani of many siz are havg succs makg spir-based seltzers and premixed cktails, ” Bryan Roth, an analyst for Feel Goods Company and edor of the alhol beverage newsletter, Sightl+, told CNN.

“There’s lots of space the spir-based seltzer tegory which Gay Water n play, pecially if the brand n offer a cultural or emotnal nnectn that will feel more excg than the prospect of another peapple-flavored vodka seltzer om natnal or ternatnal rporatns, ” Roth said. Of urse, other drks e the word “gay, ” too, cludg Gay Beer and So Gay Rosé, Hodson noted, which are also tryg to reach the queer muny and offer them an alternative the straight-domated space. Ziegler told the mtee thatl he cid to e forward publicly “not as a hero or a victim, ” but as a married, gay Democrat “pelled to disclose the tth.

He had been anonymo until Wednday's his openg statement, Ziegler emphasized that he is a gay man and a registered Democrat who has been acced of betrayg his party. Gay ach fired om nservative Christian llege Pa.


Jaguars associate strength ach out as gay a first for US-based pro leagu.