Queer Duck: The Movie, is a 2006 Amerin animated edy film based on the popular web seri Queer Duck, produced by for Mishmash Media, Inc. The film first aired on the gay-themed channel Logo on July 16, 2006, and then had a direct-to-DVD release on July 18, 2006, om Paramount...
Amid Pri Month, The Hollywood Reporter tak a look back at the s, featurg Dick Sargent, who was a league wh Rock Hudson for livg the closeted Hollywood liftyle, and Pl Lyn, who played gay whout explicly g out as gay. * queer duck behind the voice actors *
For a 1960s s that on the surface was about as straight as you n get — attractive woman who happens to be a wch wants to be normal hoewife, so she marri a high-stng ad exec — a lot of gay magic lurks jt beneath the surface of ABC’s Bewched. But when he me out, he did big time: He and Montgomery were grand marshals of Wt Hollywood’s 1992 Gay and Lbian Pri Para. Then there was the mother--law, Endora (played by former rad star Agn Moorehead), a sharp-tongued, ftan-wearg gay favore long before Goln Girls h the air.