Queer Duck: The Movie, is a 2006 Amerin animated edy film based on the popular web seri Queer Duck, produced by for Mishmash Media, Inc. The film first aired on the gay-themed channel Logo on July 16, 2006, and then had a direct-to-DVD release on July 18, 2006, om Paramount...
Amid Pri Month, The Hollywood Reporter tak a look back at the s, featurg Dick Sargent, who was a league wh Rock Hudson for livg the closeted Hollywood liftyle, and Pl Lyn, who played gay whout explicly g out as gay. * queer duck behind the voice actors *
For a 1960s s that on the surface was about as straight as you n get — attractive woman who happens to be a wch wants to be normal hoewife, so she marri a high-stng ad exec — a lot of gay magic lurks jt beneath the surface of ABC’s Bewched.
But when he me out, he did big time: He and Montgomery were grand marshals of Wt Hollywood’s 1992 Gay and Lbian Pri Para. Then there was the mother--law, Endora (played by former rad star Agn Moorehead), a sharp-tongued, ftan-wearg gay favore long before Goln Girls h the air. Who better than the Mount Vernon, Oh-born funnyman to play gay whout explicly g out as gay?
The film first aired on the gay-themed channel Logo on July 16, 2006, and then had a direct-to-DVD release on July 18, 2006, om Paramount Home Entertament. The film rn the origal creators and st of Queer Duck, pl special gut stars Conan O'Brien as himself, Tim Curry as Peccery the butler, Jeff Glen Bent as the ma antagonist; a homophobic bigoted prit named Reverend Vanrgeldg, Mark Hal as a hot dog vendor, Bce Vilanch as himself, Andy Dick as former drag queen Rex (formerly Rega), Jackie Hoffman as Broadway actrs Lola Buzzard, April Wchell dog addnal voic, and David Duchovny as "Ty J".