Rsian athlet issue angry nial of 'gay kiss' prott | CNN

gay athletes in russia

Two Rsian athlet issued angry nials that their kiss on the victory podium at the world champnships was a prott agast new anti gay propaganda laws.



Rsia's new anti-gay propaganda law has sparked global cricism ahead of the Olympics there. But other untri have even harsher laws. * gay athletes in russia *

Many other untri, om Iran to Cameroon, have harsh anti-gay laws. A new Rsian law that crimaliz "propaganda of non-tradnal sexual relatns among mors" has sparked growg lls om the global gay muny and s supporters for a boytt of Rsia's upg Wter heads of state like U.

Print Barack Obama and Brish Prime Mister David Cameron have risted such lls, they and other high-profile figur and stutns have cricized what appears to be Mosw's creasg anti-gay Tuday, FIFA, the feratn erng world soccer petn, requted "clarifitn and more tails" om the Rsian ernment ncerng the law, passed July wh vol support om Rsian Print Vladimir to the host the World Cup 2018, Rsia had recently received a siar requt om the Internatnal Olympic Commtee ncerng the 2014 Sochi Wter Gam after Rsian sports mister Valy Mutko said that the new law would be enforced durg the homosexual relatns have been legal Rsia sce 1993, the new law has been assailed by crics as the latt and most ser attempt by the thori to crimalize and stigmatize Rsia's gay hostile toward gay rights movements and to homosexualy more broadly, the Rsian public overwhelmgly supports the new law, acrdg to public opn polls.

"What's happeng Rsia is horrific; but to make even worse, Rsia is not alone, " said Jsi Stern, executive director of the Internatnal Gay and Lbian Human Rights Commissn. "The sad tth is that many untri around the world have preced Rsia sglg out LGBT [lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr] people. Dpe posive recent velopments for LGBT people the Uned Stat and other parts of the world, nsensual same-sex relatnships rema a crime at least 76 untri, acrdg to a Uned Natns report released are six natns that have recently adopted or have pecially harsh anti-gay laws:Cameroon"Homosexual nduct is crimalized 38 stat Ai, and many, laws are beg stricter, " said Boris Dtrich, advocy director of the LGBT rights program of Human Rights Watch.


Rsian Sports Mister Valy Mutko says athlet will be arrted if they vlate anti-gay laws. * gay athletes in russia *

"In several of the untri, LGBT people are beg arrted and taed, sentenced to prison by the judge, simply bee they are gay. Homosexual nduct there is punishable wh a fe and up to five years jail.

Broar hostily toward homosexualy is also on the rise the untry.


Rsian athlet issue angry nial of 'gay kiss' prott | CNN.