Sdi mass executn - Five behead victims were gay lovers urt docs claim amid fears they were tortured to terror nfsns | The Sun

gay prince saudi arabia

Sodomy is punishable by ath Sdi Arabia, but gay life flourish there. Why is “easier to be gay than straight” a society where everyone, homosexual and otherwise, liv the closet



Gay Sdi prce who beat his manservant to ath is jailed for life... Then we'll probably offer him asylum A gay Sdi prce has been jailed for life today wh a mimum term of 20 years for beatg and stranglg his servant to ath the culmatn of a mpaign of 'sadistic' Abdulaziz b Nasser al Sd was found guilty at the Old Bailey of murrg Bandar Abdulaziz a 'btal' asslt at their five-star hotel prce was fuelled by champagne and 'sex on the beach' cktails when he b the 32-year-old hard on both cheeks durg the attack was also revealed he uld seek asylum upon release, bee homosexualy is punishable by ath his home untry. The 34-year-old, a member of one of the world's richt and most powerful dynasti, was found guilty of murr by the jury after jt one hour and 35 mut of sentence means end to his luxury playboy liftyle, fund by his wealthy fay, which he ded fe rtrants and secretly entertaed gay rts his plh hotel room.

Convicted: Gay killer Sd Abdulaziz b Nasser al Sd was fuelled on Champagne and 'sex on the beach' cktails when he attacked his servantSentencg him today, Mr Jtice Bean said: 'It is very unual for a prce to be the dock on a murr charge. 'The prce, standg the dock wh his arms crossed, showed no emotn as the sentence was hand urt his lawyers had tried to ver up evince of his he ever returns to his home untry he fac the possibily of executn - not bee of the killg but bee beg gay is a pal offence the trial, the Foreign Office warned the royal uld be prosecuted by his fay unr sharia law for g them 'shame' nfirmed he would be 'entled to apply for asylum' if he was emed at risk after beg released om human rights laws, a prisoner nnot be ported to a untry allowg the ath penalty unls assuranc have been ma to prevent the murr of Mr Abdulaziz was the fal act a 'eply abive' master-servant relatnship which the prce rried out equent attacks on his ai 'for his own personal gratifitn' heard that by the early hours of Febary 15, Mr Abdulaziz was left so worn down and jured - havg suffered a 'uliflower' ear and swollen eye om prev asslts - that he simply let Sd kill him whout a prce then spent hours on the phone to a myster ntact Sdi Arabia tryg to work out how to ver up what he had lmly orred two glass of k and bottled water on room service as he set about draggg the body to the bed and tryg to clean up the was only about 12 hours later, after chffr Abadi Aballa received a ll om Sdi Arabia tellg him to go to the hotel, that the body was disvered room 312.


Detectiv took him to the area to try to retrace the route but as they did so other officers were reviewg CCTV at the hotel - and found disturbg footage of Sd mercilsly attackg his ai a lift on January he was then taken to Paddgton Green police statn and arrted, Sdi officials tried to claim he had diplomatic immuny but this was stched by a check of Foreign Office tried to ver up the te nature of his relatnship wh his servant, claimg they were 'iends and equals' but a porter at the £259-a-night Landmark Hotel where they were stayg said Mr Abdulaziz was treated 'like a slave' prce also claimed he was heterosexual and had a girliend Sdi Arabia, but he had booked appotments wh at least two male rts and one gay massr, and looked at hundreds of imag of men on gay webs. He llapsed urt Before g to Bra on January 20 they had been the Maldiv where pictur of the pair were taken, later shown to the urt, which seemed to be 'perfectly ordary holiday snaps' prce was scribed by wns as pole, well-mannered, charmg and genero, said Jonathan Laidlaw QC, assumed that he and the shy Mr Abdulaziz were gay lovers but none seemed to be aware of the sister si of the prce's treatment of his Laidlaw said: 'Beneath the surface this was a eply abive relatnship which the fendant exploed, as the asslts the lift so graphilly monstrate, for sadistic reasons, for his own personal gratifitn.

'GAY PRINCE FACES THE DEATH PENALTY IN HIS HOMELANDPrce Sd fac the ath penalty over his gay sex life if he ever returns to his home untry and may have to apply for asylum when he is eventually lawyers failed a last-dch attempt to stop sordid tails of his enunters wh male rts beg revealed durg the Kelsey-Fry QC, fendg, said Al Sd had already faced abe om Islamic fundamentalists beg held alongsi him at Belmarsh urt heard that homosexualy remas a pal offence Sdi Arabia, wh the untry which the acts take place havg ltle relevance to the prosecutn, unr the untry's sharia law . Fai of those acced have been known to ph for the most severe penalti bee of the perceived shame ed to them by natnals have been granted asylum the UK on the basis they were Kelsey-Fry had unsuccsfully argued before the trial started to exclu evince of the gay relatnship om the evince put before the a sign of the anxiety about his sexualy beg public, the prce's lawyers had even ially argued that this legal argument should be held behd closed add: 'There have been difficulti Belmarsh prison already whereby there are Islamists - Islamic fundamentalists - who have already ed difficulti wh this fendant.


Meanwhile, the prce booked appotments wh gay rt Pablo Silva, a Brazilian stunt, and a send man ll Brad - who did not speak to police. Elsewhere, Eduardo Parente, a gay barman at the Purple Bar of the Sanrson Hotel, said the prce flirted wh him and suggted they meet socially. Another gay wns, hotel porter Dobromir Dimrov, thought Sd and Mr Abdulaziz were a gay uple bee of the way they were hangg up cloth lour-d orr their room.

But his lawyers failed an attempt to have evince of his gay liftyle kept secret, claimg was not relevant to the trial. Sodomy is punishable by ath Sdi Arabia, but gay life flourish there. Why is “easier to be gay than straight” a society where everyone, homosexual and otherwise, liv the closetYasser, a 26-year-old artist, was takg me on an impromptu tour of his hometown of Jeddah, Sdi Arabia, on a swelterg September afternoon.


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