Montreal Gay Pri 2023: dat, para, route - misterb&b

gay pride montreal 2022

The bt gay bars, dance clubs, gay-rated hotels, gay snas and gay cise clubs Montreal.



Montreal Gay Pri, or Fierté Montreal, is the cy's largt genuflectn to the lol LGBTQ muny, offerg 11 full days of fun, entertament, and gay pri this lively Canadian cy. Combg a program of events such as a Communy Day, a Lerary Pri, a Pri Ftival, and of urse the Montreal Gay Pri Para, this pri really turns the cy upsi down wh plenty of rabow revelry.

Divers/Cé was takg place each year the heart of Montreal, sce 1993 the heart of downtown Montreal and Montreal's Gay Village area ually on the end of July and begng of Augt every year.

> Gay Canada Gay MontrealMontreal is the major cy of Quebec, Canada's anphone regn, and has one of the bt gay scen North Ameri wh s own gay village.


Montreal Gay Pri 2023: dat, para, route - misterb&b .