The Evolutn of Extraño, DC's First Openly Gay Superhero | DC

gay superheroes in dc

From Wonr Woman to Northstar, here are some of the most groundbreakg LGBTQ characters and gay superhero Marvel and DC Comics non.


    * gay superheroes in dc *

    We’ve put together this list to troduce some of the most fluential gay superhero, rangg om groundbreakg figur like Marvel’s Northstar to characters like Harley Qun who only me out the past few 12 most inic gay superhero1) Wonr WomanDiana of Themyscira has a long and storied history as a queer in. (CC-BY-SA)2) MidnighterPossibly the bt-known gay superhero ic book circl, Midnighter was created as a parody of Batman, startg off the adult-rated Wildstorm ic Stormwatch. As one of the origal X-Men, he was portrayed as straight for s beg outed as gay 2015.


    An all-queer Jtice League jt buted DC Pri - Gaymg Magaze.
