Cuba ncels s annual gay rights para, ‘Conga Agast Homophobia’ - Los Angel Tim

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The issue of gay rights has bee unually ntroversial recent months due to ristance om Cuba's growg ranks of evangelil Christians.



The Cuban ernment announced Tuday that has nceled this year's edn of a para wily seen as a sign of progrs on gay rights on the island. * parada gay em cuba *

Os ativistas prottaram ntra o ncelamento da tradicnal "nga", anizada anualmente há mais 10 anos, no Dia ntra a Homofobia, pelo Centro Nacnal Edução Sexual (Cenex), sob o patrocín do Mistér da Saú cubano. Polícia cubana teve ativista dos direos dos homossexuais durante maniftação em Havana, no sábado (11) — Foto: Ramon Esposa/ AP A marcha protto foi a segunda passeata anizada penntemente stuiçõ tatais – algo até então raro em Cuba – em pou mais um mês, embora a anterr, em fa dos direos dos animais, tha recebido torização das toridas lois. A "nga" Havana era uma exceção, que se tornou um evento regular, e um lembrete que o erno, que já envu gays a mpos trabalho forçado nos primeiros dias da revolução 1959 Fil Castro, fez avanços nsiráveis ​​nos direos LGBT nos anos recent.

Ativistas dos direos do gpo LGBT participam uma marcha não torizada em Havana, em Cuba, no sábado (12) — Foto: Ramon Esposa/ AP Havana garante os direos dos homossexuais e proíbe a discrimação base na sexualida, em uma região on alguns país ada têm leis ntra sodomia. Alguns ativistas LGBT dizem que sentiram que o ncelamento da "nga" é um sal que s direos tão sendo rroídos, possivelmente porque uma recente nsulta públi sobre uma nova Constuição revelou haver mais oposição à unida gay do que se pensava anterrmente. O sfile 2019 teria sido o primeiro pois da aprovação em abril da nova Constuição cubana, que chegou a ter prevista uma modifição abrdo mho ao samento homossexual, embora não tenha sido cluída no texto fal.

HAVANA — Salsa mic blasted through the streets of Havana's Vedado neighborhood on Saturday as hundreds of people danced and waved rabow flags durg a march to mark the 11th annual Cuban Campaign agast homophobia. "We are workg together wh the state, wh the party, wh civil society, to te the Cuban people, to change mdsets and to advance our rights, " Mariela Castro, a Cuban lawmaker and dghter of Communist Party chief Rl Castro, Satday, Castro was joed by Chilean transgenr actrs Daniela Vega, who starred the Osr-wng film "A Fantastic Woman, " and Mike Jackson, a proment LGBTQ activist, durg the march to end homophobia and, a longtime advote for LGBTQ rights Cuba, announced on Monday she would ph for same-sex marriage to be clud a nstutnal reform procs expected to beg march, known as a Cuban nga — the island's versn of an LGBTQ pri para — is part of a growg ph Cuba to allow the untry's once fiercely persecuted LGBTQ populatn to experience greater visibily.


Cuban gay rights activists nounced the ernment's cisn to ncel this year's para agast homophobia, accg of snatchg away their ma platform at a key moment as the Caribbean natn is set to bate legalizg same-sex marriage. * parada gay em cuba *

AdvertisementSKIP Lage/Agence France-Prse — Getty ImagMay 12, 2019HAVANA — Chantg “Long live a diverse Cuba” and rryg rabow flags, Cuban gay rights activists held an unthorized pri para Havana this weekend spe a warng agast by the Communist ernment, which lled subversive, a highly unual show of civil disobedience the one-party than 100 Cubans marched om Havana’s Central Park to the seaont boulevard before beg stopped by dozens of secury least three activists were arrted by placloth police officers, and others were orred to disperse bee the march did not have an official perm.


Cuban gay rights activists held an unthorized pennt pri para Havana on Saturday spe the Communist ernment warng agast and llg subversive, an unprecented show of civil society the one-party state. * parada gay em cuba *

Activists had lled for their own para after the state-n Natnal Center for Sex Edutn, or Cenex, last week abptly nceled s 12th annual nga agast homophobia, Cuba’s equivalent of gay natnal center nounced the alternative para as a “provotn, ” and several activists said that they had received threats eher anonymoly on social media or om state secury person not to attend — not that stopped march on Saturday was the send such event anized penntly of state stutns — prevly a rare occurrence Cuba — jt over a month. “This moment marks a before and an after for the lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr muny, but also for Cuban civil society more generally, ” Maykel González Vivero, an pennt journalist and L. Activists said that they believed the ernment was reactg more to prsure om evangelil church, which have a growg followg Cuba and have mpaigned agast the expansn of gay rights.

It was also a remr that the ernment, which once sent gay men to work mps the early days of Fil Castro’s le, had ma nsirable advanc L. A versn of this article appears prt on, Sectn A, Page 6 of the New York edn wh the headle: Defyg Officials, Gay Cubans Hold a Colorful March to the Sea. (Dmond Boylan / Associated Prs) Reportg om Havana — The Cuban ernment announced Tuday that has nceled this year’s edn of a para wily seen as a sign of progrs on gay rights on the state-n Center for Sex Edutn head by Mariela Castro, the dghter of Communist Party First Secretary Rl Castro, said a Facebook post that the Conga Agast Homophobia schled for an unspecified date this month had been nceled on orrs of the Mistry of statement attributed the ncellatn to “new tensns the ternatnal and regnal ntext that directly and directly affect our untry and have tangible and tangible impacts the normal velopment of our daily life and the implementatn of the polici of the Cuban state.

And Cuba’s enomy is stricken by shortag basic goods attributed large part to a cle subsidized oil om was unclear how eher of those factors required the ncellatn of a gay pri march, although Cuban officials tend to impose more ntrols of all typ moments when the untry is perceived to be unr threat. The issue of gay rights has bee unually ntroversial Cuba recent months bee of ristance om the untry’s growg ranks of evangelil Cuban ernment persecuted gays the 1960s and 1970s but has sce outlawed discrimatn and e to be seen as relatively progrsive on the rights of lbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenr people.


The ernment funds genr reassignment surgeri, discrimatn on the basis of sexual orientatn is outlawed, and police receive trag signed to avoid disrpectful treatment of homosexuals and transgenr nga, a para of hundreds of LGBT people wavg rabow flags and dancg down one of Havana’s ma thoroughfar, beme an ternatnally ld symbol of Cuba’s acceptance of gay and transgenr rights.

A send para was planned this year for the eastern cy of Camaguey, as part of the 12th celebratn of an event known as the Days Agast Homophobia and Transphobia.


Cubans Celebrate Gay Pri Para | OnCubaNews English.