Urban Dictnary: Gay Sailor

sailor gay meaning

Hey Sailor is a gay tll ditg the ller is prowlg for quick gay street sex." name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn



When a guy, gay or straight, danc wh a iend who's a girl and prevents pervs om grdg on her by grdg on the pervs till they go away." name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn * sailor gay meaning *

What is the orig of the "gay sailor" stereotype? In the US there is a stereotype/myth/whatever that sailors the Navy tend to be gay.

The queerns of "Sailor Moon" pneered LGBTQ reprentatn kids show and n help bat harms om anti-LGBTQ laws like Don't Say Gay. * sailor gay meaning *

When a guy, gay or straight, danc wh a iend who's a girl and prevents pervs om grdg on her by grdg on the pervs till they go you be my gay sailor tonight?

The Coast Guard spills their we, the Air Force wets themselv, the Army pass out, and the Mare Corps bterly s alone at the bar mutterg bad gay jok to is a rivalry between the US Mare Corps and the US Navy. The Mar spread li about sailors, llg them wardly or homosexual, but never to their fac, that is 't fuck wh US Navy, COURAGE, COMMITMENT. A particularly metrosexual male who pretends to be gay wh his iends, often misunrstood by the gay muny as a homosexual.

The sailors of the Uned Stat Navy are among the most discipled, voted, and well-traed fightg men the world has ever known. They drk gasole and piss fire, The sp bullets and sh bombs, and will swim across the ocean wh a knife their teeth jt for the chance to rve up those that threaten their homeland. Morn day sailors leave wak of ad bodi or smolrg craters wherever they go. They are sneaky sons of bch, and ually the only thg that lets you know they are prent is the earspltg howl of an g tomahawk missile, or the ld steel of an oil-slick bla slicg through your throat. Rumor has that sailors are rowdy dnks. This is absolutely te. No other branch of the service n stand up to the fury of a US sailor's bge drkg. The Coast Guard spills their we, the Air Force wets themselv, the Army pass out, and the Mare Corps bterly s alone at the bar mutterg bad gay jok to themselv. There is a rivalry between the US Mare Corps and the US Navy. This is the rult of the quanty of betiful exotic women that sailors make love to every time they pull to a foreign port. The Mar are jealo of this, bee they only get to fuck Ali-Babba and his goats. There are no fe women out the sert. The Mar spread li about sailors, llg them wardly or homosexual, but never to their fac, that is unwise. Don't fuck wh US Navy Sailors. HONOR, COURAGE, COMMITMENT. HOOYA NAVY" name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn * sailor gay meaning *

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Urban Dictnary: Gay Sailor .