Livg as a Lbian Iran, Where Beg Gay Is Illegal

lgbt legal iran

Iranian Print Ebrahim Raisi on Wednday lnched to a nmnatn of Wtern attus on homosexualy durg a vis to Uganda which has jt troduced some of the harsht anti-gay laws the world.



LGBT Rights Iran: homosexualy, gay marriage, gay adoptn, servg the ary, sexual orientatn discrimatn protectn, changg legal genr, donatg blood, age of nsent, and more. * lgbt legal iran *

Homosexualy⚢✖ Illegal (ath penalty as punishment)Censorship✖ Other punishmentChangg Genr✖ Legal, but requir surgeryNon-bary genr regnn✖ Not legally regnizedDiscrimatn✖ No protectnsEmployment Discrimatn✖ No protectnsHog Discrimatn✖ No protectnsDonatg Blood✖ Banned (fe ferral)Conversn Therapy✖ Not banned. UnregnizedUnr the Shah's le, the last monarch of the Pahlavi dynasty, homosexualy was crimalised, though was mostly tolerated even to the pot of allowg news verage of a mock same-sex weddg between two men. Augt 26, 2021—In a new LGBTQ Fact Sheet published today by the Center for Human Rights Iran (CHRI), the extreme rights vlatns and adly vlence perpetrated by both the state and society agast the LGBTQ muny (lbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer) Iran are highlighted a ncise, accsible format for rearchers, journalists, and policymakers.

Human RightsIran mt immediately stay the executns of two women sentenced to ath for supportg the human rights of lbian, gay, bisexual, trans and genr-diverse (LGBT) people, a large group of UN-appoted pennt human rights experts said on Wednday. Government polici persecute both homosexuals and transgenr dividuals alike for their sexualy and genr intifitn, crimalizg same-sex relatns and genr reassignment Iran has mataed and pursued polici which nmn and harshly punish homosexualy, a practice wily, and appropriately, cricized as a human rights vlatn. Zarif argued that the moral prcipl that gui Iranian ernance nmn homosexual behavr jt as they nmn other personal actns and life choic; therefore punishment for such choic, cludg punishment by executn, is lawful and substantiated.

Ambassador to Germany at the time of Zarif’s remarks, joed Roth his opposn to the treatment and argued that the executns go agast the UN Universal Declaratn of Human Rights, which clearly tails crimalizatn of homosexualy as a vlatn. Grenell’s sentiments were a ntuatn of the Tmp admistratn’s mpaign which lnched Febary of 2019 to crimnalize homosexualy var natns cludg Iran and lled on global anizatns like the UN and EU ntribute to the rights have been opposn to the Iranian Penal Co sce the 1930s when Parliament passed legislatn crimalizg such relatnships, and disapproval of this discrimatn has tensified over time. All of this culmat to make Iran one of the most discrimatory untri toward homosexuals the world, wh Iran havg executed an timated 4, 000 to 6, 000 homosexual dividuals sce the 1979 Islamic Revolutn.


Iran mt immediately stay the executns of two women sentenced to ath for supportg the human rights of lbian, gay, bisexual, trans and genr-diverse (LGBT) people, a large group of UN-appoted pennt human rights experts said on Wednday. | * lgbt legal iran *

Moreover, enforcement of this law is ongog, and occurs perdilly wh very publicized exampl, as January 2019, when a 31-year-old man was publicly hanged after beg nvicted guilty of homosexual relatns. Genr Assignment IranGiven the severe and dranian ernment polici towards homosexualy Iran, is perhaps suprisg that genr reassignment and the existence of of transgenr dividuals Iran is legally supported. Though personal and societal judgement agast transgenr people Iran is - as many untri - persistant and pervasive, the broar ia of beg transgenr is not nsired a vlatn of Iranian theocratic prcipl, and the ernment do not view such dividuals as they do homosexuals.

Most relig lears only accept those non-bary dividuals who fully plete the transn operatn, while those who do not are perceived as “sick” and n still be arrted for cross-drsg and other stereotypilly homosexual practic.

Do LGBT rights Iran exist? The Iranian regime is anti-diversy, anti-gay, anti-Amerin and anti-everyone-who-isn’t-Mlim. The answer is no. * lgbt legal iran *

Dpe formal support of transgenr people by the ernment, dividuals are still faced wh discrimatn and persecutn by private cizens and dividuals their personal liv, an experience siar to that of homosexuals Iran.

It is clear that the support iated by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomei s ago and the advantage of the clivy of the Persian language provi foundatnal stutnal acceptance of trans cizens Iran, but there are still steps that mt be taken to promote social approval and cultural rporatn of the non-bary Intersectn of Authorized Genr Surgery and Iran’s Homosexual TreatmentWh the approach to both homosexualy and transgenr cizens Iran tablished, a rrelatn between the two to light.

Both homosexuals and transgenr people are viewed as havg a mental illns, a diagnosis which advot applitn of the genr reassignment operatn, even when do not rrelate wh the dividual’s intifitn. Homosexuals phed towards this as a treatment are left wh few optns due to the legal support of hormone treatments, psychotherapy, and full transnal operatns; th, many are faced wh eher endurg the promoted medil approach or fleeg the untry to seek polil asylum a natn wh different legal thorizatn of genr reassignment reprents signifint progrs and support for the transgenr populatn, n also unfortunately be ed agast the already persecuted mographic of homosexuals Iran. The Hengaw Organizatn for Human Rights reported that they were acced of promotg homosexualy, promotg Christiany and munitg wh media opposed to the Islamic 's judiciary later nfirmed the sentenc, but said they were nnected to human traffickg and not activism.

* lgbt legal iran *

It ced her as sayg that she was forcibly disappeared for 53 days, durg which an IRGC agent allegedly subjected her to "tense terrogatns acpanied by verbal abe" and "threatened to execute or otherwise harm her and take away the ctody of her two young children" January, Seddiqi Hamedani was brought before a prosecutor Urmia, the largt cy Wt Azerbaijan, and told that she was acced of "spreadg rptn on Earth", cludg through promotg homosexualy, munitg wh hostile media and promotg Christiany, acrdg to group said the first two accatns stemmed om her public fence of LGBT rights on social media and her appearance a May 2021 BBC documentary about ab that LGBT people were sufferg Iraq's semi-tonomo Kurdistan Regn, where she had been Iranian law, same-sex sexual nduct is a crimal offence, wh punishments rangg om floggg to the ath penalty.

Iranian Print Ebrahim Raisi on Wednday lnched to a nmnatn of Wtern attus on homosexualy durg a vis to Uganda which has jt troduced some of the harsht anti-gay laws the, on a missn to strengthen ti wh the first trip by an Iranian lear to Ai 11 years, lled out the Wt at a prs nference wh Print Yoweri Meveni after talks wh the veteran Ugandan lear.

In Iran, beg gay n rry a ath sentence for men. Though lbians are discsed ls equently, they too face severe ernment-sanctned punishment, cludg lash and floggg. * lgbt legal iran *

Meveni signed the bill to law on May 29, triggerg outrage among human rights groups, the Uned Natns and LGBTQ activists as well as Wtern new law mak "aggravated homosexualy" a pal offence and penalti for nsensual same-sex relatns of up to life told the prs nference the Wt was "actg agast herance and culture of natns" Iranian lear also offered Meveni support for the major project to build a domtic oil refery and pipele that has been opposed by environmental groups and faced legal actn France and cricism the European said Tehran was ready to share s oil dtry experience, while the Wt was "not generally terted to see untri who enjoy great rourc and natnal rerv to be pennt" vis as the Islamic Republic tri to shore up diplomatic support to ease s ternatnal isolatn, wh Raisi due to travel to Zimbabwe on had met Kenyan Print William Ruto early Wednday Nairobi, scribg his vis to the East Ain powerhoe as "a turng pot the velopment of relatns" between the two then flew to the Ugandan cy of Entebbe, where he was weled wh a gun salute and ary para, public broadster UBC is due to meet wh his Zimbabwean unterpart Emmerson Mnangagwa on Thursday. 1 This note provis an asssment of the general suatn of persons who are known to be, or are likely known to be, gay men, lbian, bisexual, trans or tersex – that is those who are open, or are likely to be pelled to be open, about their sexual orientatn and/or genr inty or exprsn (SOGIE) – as well as those perceived as such bee of their appearance, attus and/or behavur. Milary exemptn rds, an accepted form of intifitn issued to gay and trans dividuals, directly disclose the persons sexual orientatn or genr inty and may put them at further risk of vlence and discrimatn for ‘outg’ them and / or bee beg gay or trans is classed as a mental illns (see Milary exemptn, Genr reassignment surgery, Threats, harassment and vlence and Treatment by fay members).

3 The same source noted that Article 7 of the regulatns, which addrs the issue of exemptn for gay men, stat, ‘“perversns that vlate the social and ary of nduct (such as sexual perversn and homosexualy) [warrant] a six-month ferment.

A report om Human Rights Watch lls on the ernment of St. Vcent to overturn lonial-era anti-gay laws that have led to a recent wave of vlence and genr discrimatn on the small Caribbean island. * lgbt legal iran *

‘While this provisn is discrimatory and gradg towards gay, transgenr and other genr non-nformg persons, and treats homosexualy as a form of mental illns or psychopathology spe of clear statements to the ntrary om var psychiatry bodi across the world and the World Health Organizatn, is monly ed by gay, transgenr and genr non-nformg persons Iran to seek an exemptn om pulsory ary service to protect themselv om homophobic and transphobic ab prevalent ary settgs.

6 In s annual report for 2021, Amnty Internatnal noted that, ‘Milary exemptn rds issued to gay and transgenr dividuals directly disclosed their sexual orientatn or genr inty whout their nsent, puttg them at risk of vlence.


Livg as a Lbian Iran, Where Beg Gay Is Illegal .