What Is the History of UK Gay Pri?

uk gay liberation front

GAY POWER! Found 1970



* uk gay liberation front *

WHEN: Wednday, 5th October, 6pm – 8pm WHERE: Queer Circle, BUILDING 4, 3 BARTON YARD, SOAMES WALK, DESIGN DISTRICT, SE10 0BN WHAT: Gay Liberatn Front and Queer Night Pri ve you to our next strategic actn planng meetg. Young and old, the Gay Liberatn Front has a 51 year rerd sce 1970 of non-vlent and often hilar street actns agast the vlence of ernments.

21 – Lnch of ‘Revolutnary People’s Constutnal Conventn’ LIVE-STREAMED FROM SPITALFIELDS ON Saturday/Sunday 15/16 May 2021 at The Bishopsgate Instute, a ticketed ee event arranged by the GAY LIBERATION FRONT““We are the Gay Liberatn Front, ….

‘You are here bee we were there’ verage of 50 Years of Radil Gay Pri mo. #lgbtqhistory#lgbtlondon#queerlondon and another vio wh Members of the Gay Liberatn Front took to the streets today ….


A short acunt of the Gay Liberatn Front the UK, wrten by Stuart Feather. * uk gay liberation front *

Inve to – ’50 Years of Gay Pri’ mo by those who started / 01.

2020 GAY LIBERATION FRONT om Manuel García-Calvo Gutiérrez on Vimeo. The Gay Liberatn Front and iends v you to ‘Fuck Off This is My Culture 6 – 50 Years of Pri Special’ on Saturday June 25th 2022 celebratn of Gee Michael and everyone standg up for sexual eedom everywhere.

July 1st 2022 is the 50th anniversary of the first Pri anised and led by the Gay Liberatn Front (GLF) and July 2nd is the 50th anniversary ‘Pri’ march anised by ‘Pri London’ are we gonna do about ? 21 – Gay Liberatn Front (GLF) 2022 Lnch Gatherg – Absolute Freedom for All!


Gay Liberatn Front (GLF) 2022 Lnch Gatherg – Absolute Freedom for All! Come Together: Gay Liberatn Front at the Bishopsgate Instute.

Amazg archivg work by the one and only Stef Dickers, Rachel Smh and all at the Bishopsgate Instute see all on the Bishopsgate Instute webse here Come Together: Gay Liberatn Front About this Archive The newspaper of the Gay Liberatn Front, Come Together, was formed by the GLF’s Media Workshop 1970. On the 27th June, 1969 as part of s policy of raidg and closg Gay Bars, the New York Police arrived at the Stonewall Inn to rough up the ctomers and make a few arrts. New York’s ft enuntered black and whe drag queens, gay men and lbians, sick of police btaly, and who on beg physilly provoked fought back.

On the 4th July Lbians and Gay Men om the Matache Society New York, rponse to the rts, staged a walk-out and moved to the Alternative Universy Greenwich Village where they found what beme the Gay Liberatn Front. Aubrey Walter and Bob Mellor found the Gay Liberatn Front London, on 13th October, 1970 at the L. “Not only did liberatnists go to Philalphia to show solidary wh the black movement, but was there that Huey Newton as lear of the Panthers, first gave clear support of the Gay Cse, sayg that homosexuals were maybe the most opprsed people of Amerin society, and uld well be the most revolutnary.


On 13th November, GLF ma the first ever, public monstratn the UK by lbians and gay men at Highbury Fields, Islgton, to prott the e of “pretty policemen” agent provotrs ed by the police to entrap gay men to attemptg acts of gross cency, a standard police practice and an easy way for them to crease the figur for crime tectn and prosecutn.

An Anti-Psychiatry Group foced on analysg and attackg the Psychiatric Establishments wholale acceptance of Juo Christian prejudice, Biblil thory, and the e of electric shock/emetic dg programm on gays and lbians who did not f , or who were found guilty of breakg the law. An Actn Group anisg public GLF danc held lol town halls, and later the Gay Days the parks, an Office Collective, and the Steerg Group, later the Co-ordatg Commtee to n the Wednday night General Meetgs. “Gay shows the way.


What Is the History of UK Gay Pri? .