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class="styl_em__b5A78 styl_py__RACZ3"><button type="button" class="styl_button__b3sx_"><span class="in in-lk"></span></button><div class="styl_pyTooltip__Ut_t1"><span class="in in-alt-check"></span></div></li><li data-ttid="social-share-sms" class="styl_em__b5A78 styl_sms__Vohh6"><a href="sms:?&body=Driver, victims of adly Pri para crash Florida nnected to men's chos, lear says via nbews - target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="styl_lk__RsJVU"><span class="in in-sms"></span></a></li><li data-ttid="social-share-prt" class="styl_prt__cw6Gn"><button type="button" class="styl_button__b3sx_"><span class="in in-share-prt styl_in__P3XZT"></span><span class="styl_text___8iNX">Prt</span></button></li><li data-ttid="social-share-save" class="styl_save__ILVuj"></li></ul></div><div class="article-body__date-source"><time class="relative z-1" dateTime="2021-06-20T03:55:00.000Z" ntent="2021-06-20T03:55:00.000Z">June 20, 2021, 1:53 AM UTC<span> / </span>Updated<!-- --> <!-- -->June 20, 2021, 3:55 AM UTC</time></div><div class="article-le-byle" data-activy-map="le-byle-article-top">By <span class="byle-name">Dennis Romero</span></div></sectn><div class="article-body__ntent article-body-font--loadg"><p class="">The driver of a pickup tck that stck two men, killg one, at a Pri para Florida was nnected to the Fort Lrdale Gay Men's Chos, and so were the victims, the group's print said Saturday.</p><p class="">The tck was to be part of the chos' entry the Stonewall Pri Para Wilton Manors, the anizatn said.</p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100"></div></div><div id="taboolaReadMoreBelow"></div><p class="">"Our fellow Chos members were those jured and the driver is also a part of the Chos fay," Jt Knight said a statement. "To my knowledge, this was not an attack on the LGBTQ muny."</p><p class="">One man was killed and another jured after they were stck by the tck Saturday eveng jt as the para was about to get unrway near Fort Lrdale, officials said.</p><p class="">"We know two dividuals marchg to celebrate cln and equaly were stck by a vehicle," Broward County Sheriff Gregory Tony said a statement. "One person has died and the other remas hospalized."</p><sectn class="embed-widget embedWidget embed-widget--medium"><div class="embed-widget__e-prentatn"><blockquote class="twter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href=">#FLPD</a> <a href=">#MediaAlert</a><br><br>The media stagg area related to the cint that occurred the 1600 block of NE 4th Avenue is the SW rner of NE 15th Street and NE 4th Avenue. PIO is en route. <a href=">@WMPD411</a> <a href=">@WPLGLol10</a> <a href=">@wsvn</a> <a href=">@nbc6</a> <a href=">@CBSMiami</a> <a href=">@MiamiHerald</a> <a href=">@SunSentel</a> <a href="></a></p>— Fort Lrdale Police (@ftlrdalepd) <a href=">June 19, 2021</a></blockquote> </div></sectn><p class="">The victims' nam have not been released. The survivor was expected to rever, said Det. Ali Adamson at a news nference.</p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100"></div></div><p class="">She said the e of the crash was unr vtigatn.</p><div class="remend-tersectn-ref" data-activy-map="remend-article-body-remend"></div><p class="">"We are evaluatg all possibili," Adamson said. "Nothg is out of the qutn right now."</p><p class="">She said the driver was beg qutned, and the FBI was assistg wh the quiry.</p><div class="remend-tersectn-ref" data-activy-map="remend-article-body-remend"></div><p class="">Fort Lrdale Mayor Dean Trantalis, who was at the event, said that he and others were “terrorized” by the crash. In a statement, he said he was ncerned may have been tentnal, though thori have offered no evince supportg the assertn.</p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100"></div></div><p class="">“Law enforcement took what appeared obv to me and others nearby and vtigated further — as is their job,” he said. “As the facts ntue to be pieced together, a picture is emergg of an accint which a tck reened out of ntrol.”</p><p class="">U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., who was also at the event, said she is<strong> "</strong>so heartbroken by what took place at this celebratn."</p><p class="">U.S. Rep. Ted Dtch, D-Fla., <a href=" target="_blank">tweeted</a>, "Devastated by the horror we saw at Wilton Manors Pri."</p><p class="">"I’m so sorry, Wilton Manors," he said. "I’m so sorry, my iends."</p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100"></div></div><p class="">Tony said puti wnsed the llisn.</p><p class="endmark">"This tragedy took place wh feet of me and my BSO team, and we are vastated havg wnsed this horrific cint," he said, referrg to the sheriff's office. "Our prayers are wh the victims and their fai."</p><div class="expand-byle-ntributors articleByleContaer"><div class="expand-byle article-expand-byle" data-activy-map="expand-byle-article-bottom"><div class="byle-thumbnail byle-thumbnail--has-image expand-byle__thumbnail"><picture><source srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><img loadg="lazy" src=" alt="" height="48" width="48"/></picture></div><span class="byle-name expand-byle__name">Dennis Romero</span><span class="byle-social expand-byle__social"><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="byle-social--lk"><span class="in in-twter"></span></a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="byle-social--lk"><span class="in in-email"></span></a></span><div class="expand-byle__b-wrapper"><p class="byle-b expand-byle__b">Dennis Romero is a breakg news reporter for NBC News Digal. </p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="article-body--right-rail-ntaer"><div class="article-body__right-rail layout-grid-em grid-l-4_5-l grid-l-3_5-xl grid-l-ph-half-xl"><div class="ad article-body__right-rail--ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxrail" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[[300,250],[360,360]]],[[758,1],[]],[[0,0],[]]]" data-offset="10" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="body-bottom-remend"><div class="ad ad--midrponsive ad-ntaer dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="midrponsive" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[[700,1],[5,5]]],[[758,1],[]],[[0,0],[]]]" data-offset="300" data-reh-terval="0" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te"></div></div></div></div></div></article></div></div><div id="hfs-footer" class="dn-prt" data-activy-map="hfs-footer"><footer class="hfsf" ><div class="ner"><div class="logo"><a href="><svg class="peack" viewBox="578 62 67 39" xmlns=" fill="currentColor"><g fill-le="evenodd"><path d="M579.074 90.58c1.717-4.494 6.472-6.08 10.697-3.37l18.29 12.754h-22.18c-4.62 0-8.252-4.23-6.8-9.385"></path><path class="feather" d="M579.074 90.58c1.717-4.494 6.472-6.08 10.697-3.37l18.29 12.754h-22.18c-4.62 0-8.252-4.23-6.8-9.385"></path><path class="feather" d="M597.563 75.863l9.442 21.613-19.478-13.35c-4.887-3.24-3.896-8.79-1.19-11.237 3.83-3.24 9.245-2.12 11.226 2.97"></path><path class="feather" d="M610.57 70.93l-3.433 24.19-9.772-23c-2.113-5.75 2.64-9.516 5.81-9.583 3.632-.396 8.188 2.38 7.396 8.394"></path><path class="feather" d="M625.494 72.103l-9.707 23.067-3.102-20.82c-.265-3.17 1.716-3.237 2.443-3.832-.133-.463-1.124-.463-1.124-.463h-1.848c-.198-5.42 4.028-7.8 7.462-7.535 3.697.132 7.856 4.428 5.876 9.583"></path><path class="feather" d="M635.338 84.167L615.86 97.584l9.177-21.348c2.775-6.742 9.245-5.42 11.556-2.842 2.51 2.51 3.235 7.6-1.255 10.773"></path><path class="feather" d="M637.448 99.9h-22.515l18.29-12.756c4.49-2.975 9.244-.266 10.498 3.635 1.327 4.36-1.65 9.12-6.27 9.12"></path></g></svg></a></div><nav class="lks"><ul class="lks__wrap" data-l-2="14" data-l-3=15><li><a href=" target="_self">About</a></li><li><a href=" target="_self">Contact</a></li><li><a href=">Help</a></li><li><a href=">Careers</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Ad Choic</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Privacy Policy</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Do Not Sell My Personal Informatn</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">CA Notice</a></li><li><a href=">New Terms of Service (Updated JULY 7, 2023)</a></li><li><a href=">NBC News Semap</a></li><li><a href=">Advertise</a></li><li><a href=" target="_self">Select Shoppg</a></li><li><a href=" target="_self">Select Personal Fance</a></li></ul></nav><div class="py"><p>© 2023 NBC UNIVERSAL</p><div class="brands"><a href="><svg viewBox="0 0 120 20" fill="none" xmlns=" aria-labelledby="nbc_news_logo"><tle class="nbc_news_logo">NBC News Logo

gay crash

The driver of a pickup tck that h two pestrians at the start of a gay pri para Fort Lrdale, Florida, was a 77-year-old participant the event, police said on Sunday.



Statement clarified ial speculatn that was a hate crime directed at the gay muny * gay crash *

The driver of a pickup tck that stck two men, killg one, at a Pri para Florida was nnected to the Fort Lrdale Gay Men's Chos, and so were the victims, the group's print said tck was to be part of the chos' entry the Stonewall Pri Para Wilton Manors, the anizatn said.


* gay crash *

The driver and the pestrians are all members of the Fort Lrdale Gay Men’s Chos, the release said.

The print of the Fort Lrdale Gay Men’s Chos, Jt Knight, said a statement that the group’s “thoughts and prayers are wh those affected by the tragic accint that occurred when the Stonewall Pri Para was jt gettg started.

The chos is ma up of about 25 people and is the longt-tablished gay men’s chos the state of Florida. Pri Center at Equaly Park CEO Robert Boo also read a prepared statement on behalf of the Fort Lrdale Gay Men’s Chos. “The Fort Lrdale Gay Men’s Chos is eply sadned by the tragic ath and juri that occurred as a rult of the unfortunate accint at the Stonewall Pri Para.


A h-and-n r crash that killed three men and jured another ont of a Black-owned gay bar early Sunday morng “appears to be tentnal,” the Chig * gay crash *

Wilton Manors is a Fort Lrdale suburb that bills self as havg a “strong gay prence, ” acrdg to the cy’s webse, embracg s “reputatn as a statn for the gay, lbian, bisexual and transgenr muny. A member of a men’s chos group untentnally slammed to fellow chorists at the start of a Pri para south Florida, killg one member of the group and serly jurg another, the group’s director said on statement clarified ial speculatn that was a hate crime directed at the gay Wilton Manors vice-mayor, Pl Rolli, and the Fort Lrdale mayor, Dean Trantalis, said the early vtigatn shows was an accint.

“The early vtigatn now dit looks like was a tragic accint, but nobody’s sayg fally what is, ” Rolli told the Associated Prs a phone driver and the victims were a part of the Fort Lrdale Gay Men’s Chos fay, a small 25-member group of mostly olr men. Trantalis, who is Fort Lrdale’s first openly gay mayor, ially told reporters the act was liberate, addg to the nfn on Saturday night.


A proment married gay male uple Charlotte's LGBTQ muny died Wednday, November 23, shortly after 9:00 p.m., a fatal r crash the Universy area. * gay crash *

June 19 (Rters) - The driver of a pickup tck that h two pestrians at the start of a gay pri para Fort Lrdale, Florida, was a 77-year-old participant the event, police said on driver, who has not been intified by lol thori, is operatg fully wh vtigators, showed no signs of impairment and has not been charged, Fort Lrdale police said a wrten victims, both adult mal and members of the Fort Lrdale Gay Men’s Chos, were shed to Broward Health Medil Center, where one of the victims was pronounced ad. The send victim was listed a ser driver is also a member of the Gay Men's Chos.

Officials said the other man was expected to driver and the two victims are all members of Fort Lrdale Gay Men’s Chos, acrdg to vtigators. Three people were killed and another was jured a h-and-n crash Chigo outsi a famo gay bar early Sunday, police said.

Chigo Chief of Detectiv Brendan Deenihan said a news nference Monday that an argument started si the Jefey Pub, a gay bar on Chigo's South Si, that spilled out to the street around 5:00 a. M., four men were stck by a sedan near the longtime Black gay nightclub Jeffery Pub, acrdg to the Chigo Police Department, Chigo's Fox statn, WFLD, men were pronounced ad at the Universy of Chigo Medil Center; a fourth was serly jured and remas hospalized.


A 34-year-old man is beg held whout bail for allegedly drivg a r to four people, killg three of them, outsi a Chigo gay bar. * gay crash *

Officials believe that an cint which a man was killed and another serly jured after a driver h spectators at a Pri para South Florida on Saturday eveng was an driver of the pickup tck that h the crowd durg the Wilton Manors Stonewall Pri Para was reportedly part of the Fort Lrdale Gay Men's Chos fay and was not purposely targetg the LGBTQ muny.

The LGBTQ muny is reelg om the news of beloved gay in Llie Jordan’s ath. Jordan — an effemate Southern gay actor who for s occupied his own special rner of queer culture — died Monday morng a r crash Hollywood. ” Jordan’s character eventually out as gay on the show, which self broke major barriers for s time s reprentatn of gay men, though mostly whe and cisgenr, on work televisn.


The driver was part of the Fort Lrdale Gay Men’s Chos, the group's print said. * gay crash *

” For many, Jordan was a symbol of the joy of unqutnably visible queerns — of reclaimg and rejoicg long-held stereotyp about the feme affects of gay men.

We apologize, this vio has was a teenager as the gay rights movement started to pick up steam.


(phrase): for a heterosexual to enter an LGBT (lbian, gay, bisexual, trans) event such as a Pri para or ftival. Coed by Natasha Bedgfield an terview about Milwkee's Prift Summer of 2008, referrg to gate crashg, but the terviewer heard "gate" as "gay," which was equally appropriate." name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn * gay crash *

In the late ’60s and early ’70s, amid the Stonewall uprisg and the Amerin Psychiatric Associatn’s removal of homosexualy om s official list of mental disorrs, he was g to terms wh his inty as Amerins’ ias about sexualy were also startg to change. Gay men like Jordan, born om 1946 to 1964 and classified as baby boomers, were h the harst at the peak of the crisis, om the late ’80s and throughout the ’90s. 6 ln gay men ag 25 to 44 had died.

”The AIDS epimic, and the Reagan admistratn’s failed rponse to , played a role the rise to promence of already well-tablished LGBTQ enclav, which some referred to as “gayborhoods, ” larger urban areas the ’80s and ’90s. Socializatn among gay men and gay-centric works, particularly gay neighborhoods, has myriad polil and social benefs.

His challeng wh substance abe, he admted, were directly related to his experience as a gay man those tim. “I felt was a lot easier to be gay when I was load, ” he died more than 20 years sober, a fact that giv Vic Vela fort.


Vela, a gay man and the host of an award-wng Colorado Public Rad show about addictn, “Back From Broken, ” said that although has never been easy for anyone to e out, was particularly difficult the latter s of the last century. “For a lot of gay men om a certa generatn, that was really hard to do whout alhol, ” he said. Avoidg anti-LGBTQ discrimatn and homophobia remas pecially hard for queer people who, like Jordan, are ls straight-prentg, which n give people centiv to supprs aspects of their inty.


“I open my mouth, and 50 yards of purple chiffon e out, ” Jordan said another appearance on “The Ellen DeGener Show” September 2021, promptg a roomful of the terview, Jordan spoke about havg to play a straight man a meo on DeGener’ s, which broke new ground Amerin culture when DeGener’ character famoly me out as gay 1997.


Wilton Manors Pri Para Motorist Not Terrorist, Part of Gay Men's Chos .