Currently airg, upg and fished BL/Gay themed dramas and movi of 2020 and 2021.(Cha--Maland Cha + Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Thailand.) UPDATE: List was created early 2020, so I was ponrg on whether to spl this list two, but cid not to, sce que…" name="scriptn
- BL / GAY - NEW MOVI AND DRAMAS 2020-2021
* king drama gay *
Reprentatn K-dramas is startg to get a lot better, and the bt gay Korean dramas have some of the most heartwarmg storyl — here are the bt K-dramas wh LGBTQ+ reprentatn. In fact, there's now even several K-dramas dited to a gay love story that's changg the game and helpg the rise of the new "Boy’s Love (BL)" genre. While not herently a gay Korean drama, Be Melodramatic is a show that will tug at the heartstrgs of viewers thanks to s three-dimensnal portrayal of s characters, as well as s relatable narrative.
The gay Korean drama's storyle asi, the seri as a whole beme popular for s dream-worthy romance and there's one scene that ptured the dience's attentn. Hello Dracula was only a short drama wh two episos, but one of the bt gay Korean dramas left a lastg impact as revolved around three women. The Netflix K-drama Itaewon Class quickly beme one of 2020's h shows the genre, and s one of the bt gay Korean dramas thanks to one specific character.
Lk to YouTube Playlist: #3Featur a Gay si uple wh one of the brothers, Joo Won S, and a universy stunt, Choi Ho Dol, along wh havg many parts of the story take place the Gay bar Joo Won S ns/bartends. One of the brothers beg Gay and workg at a Gay bar was jt another part of the story, the Gay characters' stori were handled rpectfully and not for the sake of lghs bee of who they were but rather jt the silly thgs they said/did, they showed the different reali for them, and g out was also treated wh re and the ia of outg someone was judged by the characters as beg horrible, as should be.
hi im bisexual and this is all the gay dramas/movi or dramas/movi wh gay storyl that ive seen. sorted by how good i thk they are (not necsarily enjoyment, but obvly none of this will be objective)ratg reflects my personal enjoymentthe are all primarily mlm, but i do hope…" name="scriptn * king drama gay *
We had an Asexual character they even clarified wasn't Aromantic (FL's iend May), a Gay character (Young Hwa's iend Ye Joon), a background Gay uple (an Amerin actor and his boyiend), a love tert not assumg the woman was Straight, and acknowledgement of wrongly g the muny for one's own benef when one is not a part of and so do not experience the hardships associated wh Joon's story was the longt and I thk they did jtice. Later when his Ex-boyiend by the fé his mother unfortunately drops by and se, he don't back down though and formally out to her, "I'm Gay. " She don't take well, but they do talk aga and her thkg Dan Ah by the fé and he adms he lik Young Hwa she says, "To be hont, I didn't want to get married, so I lied about beg Gay to my fay.
Can be found on Netflix #12Ep 5 and Ep 6 (briefly) show the story of the FL's next-door neighbors, a Gay uple who are hidg their relatnship; she isn't fazed by . Her suici is revealed to be the reason that Ji Gu not only qu her teachg job but started drkg as while she did what she uld to be there for her, the end, was not enough to save, Ep 8, through a flashback, we fd out about the girls' breakups wh their old boyiends, wh Ji Gu's turng out to be Gay.
My addictn wh BL genre has started October 2016 (I did watch lots of Hong Kong, Che, Amerin, European gay themed movi before) and then I started watchg anim, readg mangas and totally beme obssed. :Pp.s. This list clus everythg, all LGBT themed movi and dramas…" name="scriptn * king drama gay *
I will probably be checkg out at some pot the future and will update my thoughts on the qualy of the rep be found on iQiyi #17 (was #152)Featur a Gay SML, Chul Soo, who is the bt iend and bs partner of one of the ma girls, Hye Joo (FL). Ep 11 and 12 are maly where his story tak place as we learn not only about his sexualy but also about Hye Joo havg unrequed feelgs for him spe knowg he's Gay. That beg said, the drama self was fairly good and I would say if you like healg and female-centric dramas, then you will probably enjoy this be found on ee webs or Rakuten Viki (wh a VPN) #18Note: Fd specific episo where backstory is toldFeatur a Gay SML, Seon Ho, wh unrequed feelgs for his iend, Ju Hyeok.
This tells , the dience, that the wrers really wanted to clu this joke about his disgt/horror at pretendg to be summary, we got a Gay SML here. I wouldn't remend this and I won't be watchg be found on ee webs #23Featur a Gay ML, what I've read, viewers saw this as que disappotg LGBT+ rep om a morn K-Drama.