San Francis Pri: Timele of gay rights history the Bay Area

gay rights history timeline

The followg timele lists the signifint events of the gay rights movement om 1924 to the prent.



Read CNN’s Fast Facts on lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr and queer or qutng ton the Uned Stat, and learn more about their stggle for equal rights. * gay rights history timeline *

1907 – Hirschfeld, a Jewish German physician and sexologist, ttified at a trial Germany about a gay relatnship and stated, “homosexualy was part of the plan of nature and creatn jt like normal love. ” Some of the lbian, gay or bisexual people of this movement clud wrers and poets such as Langston Hugh, Countee Cullen and Zora Neale Hurston; Profsor Ala Locke; mic cric and photographer Carl Van Vechten, and entertaers Ma Raey, Bsie Smh, Ethel Waters and Gladys Bentley.

Gay and lbian people joed as well – men the ary livg same-sex dorms, and women as part of the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES) and factori on the home ont found themselv same-sex surroundgs as well. 1945 – German Homosexual men, signated by a pk triangle on their clothg, were the last group to be released om the Nazi ncentratn mps after liberatn by the Allied forc bee Paragraph 175 of the German Crimal Co stated that homosexual relatns between mal to be illegal.


* gay rights history timeline *

1948 – Aled Ksey, an Amerin blogist and sexologist at Indiana Universy issu the first report, Sexual Behavr of the Human Male, was published and discsed male homosexualy (Also known as the Ksey report).

Congrs issu the report entled “Employment of Homosexuals and Other Sex Perverts Government” is distributed to members of Congrs after the feral ernment had vertly vtigated employe’ sexual orientatn. 1963 – Bayard Rt, an associate of Mart Luther Kg, and a gay Ain Amerin man helped anize the March on Washgton that culmated wh Kg’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech.


Des of pa and perseverance San Francis's gay muny fally led to vditn the Bay Area and across the natn. This is a timele of historil events. * gay rights history timeline *

In rponse to an unprovoked police raid on an early Saturday morng, over 400 people, cludg gay, lbian, bisexual, transgenr and straight people protted their treatment and phed the police away om the area. 1970 – The first gay pri march were held multiple ci across the Uned Stat on the first anniversary of the Stonewall Rts, cludg San Francis and Los Angel / Wt Hollywood.

1973 – The Amerin Psychiatric Associatn, after nsirable advocy by Frank Kameny and members of the Mattache Society, changed the classifitn of homosexualy as a mental disorr.

The APA found that “the latt and bt scientific evince shows that sexual orientatn and exprsns of genr inty occur naturally…and that short, there is no scientific evince that sexual orientatn, be heterosexual, homosexual or otherwise, is a eewill choice.


The Stonewall Rts, also lled the Stonewall Uprisg, took place on June 28, 1969, New York Cy, after police raid the Stonewall Inn, a lol gay club. The raid sparked a rt among bar patrons and neighborhood rints as police hled employe and patrons out of the bar, leadg to six days of protts and vlent clash. The Stonewall Rts served as a talyst for the gay rights movement. * gay rights history timeline *

1977 – Ana Bryant, former Amerin sger and Miss Ameri Pageant wner formed a group lled “Save Our Children” to prott agast a Da County, Florida ordance preventg discrimatn agast homosexuals. Gay and lbian activists and anizatns, cludg Harvey Milk, nmned the actn and rponse, boytted Florida Cs Commissn products, for which Bryant was a spokperson. 1994 – Greg Louganis, four-time Olympic gold medalist and nsired one of the greatt divers history, publicly me out as gay as part of the Gay Gam New York Cy.


June celebrat LGBT Pri Month, a look at some key moments gay rights. * gay rights history timeline *

1997 – Ellen DeGener, a edian, TV actor and televisn host was one of the first popular entertaers who publicly me out as a lbian durg an terview on the Oprah Wey show and then beme the first openly gay character on the TV show, “Ellen. This was one of the most notor anti-gay hate crim Ameri and rulted a feral law passed 10 years later 2009 lled the “Hate Crim Preventn Act”, a feral law agast bias crim directed at lbian, gay, bisexual or transgenr people.

Texas (Supreme Court Decisn)Ruled by a vote of 6-3 that a Kansas law crimalizg gay or lbian sex was unnstutnal clarg the importance of nstutnal liberty and privacy nsistent wh the due procs clse of the Fourteenth Amendment.


One person prent at the signg ceremony the Whe Hoe was Frank Kameny who had been released om ary service 1958 bee of discrimatory polici agast gay and lbian more at U. December 15, 1973 - By a vote of 5, 854 to 3, 810, the Amerin Psychiatric Associatn remov homosexualy om s list of mental disorrs the DSM-II Diagnostic and Statistil Manual of Mental Disorrs.

November 30, 1993 - Print Bill Clton signs a ary policy directive that prohibs openly gay and lbian Amerins om servg the ary, but also prohibs the harassment of “closeted” homosexuals. December 3, 1996 - Hawaii’s Judge Chang l that the state do not have a legal right to prive same-sex upl of the right to marry, makg Hawaii the first state to regnize that gay and lbian upl are entled to the same privileg as heterosexual married upl. July 27, 2015 - Boy Suts of Ameri Print Robert Gat announc, “the natnal executive board ratified a rolutn removg the natnal rtrictn on openly gay lears and employe.


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