6 beds, 3 baths, 4216 sq. ft. ranch loted at 128 Gay Rd, Paris, KY 40361 sold for $500,000 on Jun 25, 2014. MLS# 1403754. Introducg an early 19th century masterpiece, a kaleidospe of old &am...
- 128 GAY RD, PARIS, KY 40361
- 128 GAY RD, PARIS, KY 40361128 GAY RD, PARIS, KY 40361
- 128 GAY RD,PARIS, KY 40361
- 128 GAY RDPARIS, KY 40361
- 182 GAY RD, PARIS, KY 40361
- 128 GAY RD
- 128 GAY RD
- 315 GAY RD, PARIS, KY 40361
128 GAY RD, PARIS, KY 40361
128 Gay Rd, Paris, KY 40361 is currently not for sale. The 4,216 Square Feet sgle fay home is a 6 beds, 3 baths property. This home was built 1838 and last sold on 2021-04-19 for $--. View more property tails, sal history, and Ztimate data on Zillow. * 128 gay rd paris ky *
128 Gay RdParis, KY 403616 Beds3 Baths4, 216 sqft (on 48 acr)6 Beds3 Baths4, 216 sqft (on 48 acr)$941, 900as of Aug 22, 2023Hom for Sale Near 128 Gay RdLol InformatnDcriptnThis property is not currently for sale or for rent on Tlia. BrtHome HighlightsHome Details for 128 Gay RdInterr FeaturHeatg & CoolgHeatg: Other, OtherAir CondngCoolg System: OtherHeatg Fuel: OtherLevels, Entrance, & AccsibilyStori: 2Interr DetailsNumber of Rooms: 8Property InformatnYear BuiltYear Built: 1838Property Type / StyleProperty Type: Sgle Fay HomeExterr FeaturExterr Home FeaturExterr: OtherFoundatn Type: StoneParkg & GarageParkg: NoneLot InformatnLot Area: 48.
128 GAY RD, PARIS, KY 40361128 GAY RD, PARIS, KY 40361
View tailed rmatn about property 128 Gay Rd, Paris, KY 40361 cludg listg tails, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. * 128 gay rd paris ky *
00 acrPrice History for 128 Gay RdEvent DetailsPrice04/19/2021ListgRemovedBluegrass REALTORS® #2010569704/01/2021Listed For SaleBluegrass REALTORS® #20105697$750K06/25/2014SoldBluegrass REALTORS® #1403754$500K06/03/2014Listed For SaleAgent Provid$600K12/30/2013ListgRemovedAgent Provid$675K07/10/2013Listed For SaleAgent Provid$675KProperty Tax and AsssmentYear2018Tax$2, 111Asssment$496, 400Home facts updated by unty rerdsLGBTQ Lol Legal ProtectnsHom for Rent Near 128 Gay RdOff Market Hom Near 128 Gay Rd128 Gay Rd, Paris, KY 40361 is a 6 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 4, 216 sqft sgle-fay home built 1838. 128 Gay Rd was last sold on Jun 25, 2014 for $500, 000. The current Tlia Estimate for 128 Gay Rd is $941, 900.
Details for 128 GAY RD. My Commute for 128 GAY RD.
128 GAY RD,PARIS, KY 40361
* 128 gay rd paris ky *
128 GAY RDPARIS, KY 40361
128 Gay Rd, Paris, KY 40361 is a 4,216 sqft, 6 bed, 3 bath home sold 2014. See the timate, review home tails, and search for hom nearby. * 128 gay rd paris ky *
182 GAY RD, PARIS, KY 40361
Take a closer look at this 5 bed, 3 bath, 4,216 SqFt, Agricultural, loted at 128 GAY RD PARIS, KY 40361. * 128 gay rd paris ky *
128 GAY RD
182 Gay Rd, Paris, KY 40361 is currently not for sale. The 2,175 Square Feet sgle fay home is a 3 beds, 2 baths property. This home was built null and last sold on 2009-12-14 for $169,000. View more property tails, sal history, and Ztimate data on Zillow. * 128 gay rd paris ky *