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class="_1nwad">island</span></a><a class="L0V_O _3geXF _3xtP1 _19quw _2W9VQ" href="><span class="_1nwad">magic</span></a><a class="L0V_O _3geXF _3xtP1 _19quw _2W9VQ" href="><span class="_1nwad">mane</span></a><a class="L0V_O _3geXF _3xtP1 _19quw _2W9VQ" href="><span class="_1nwad">morphic</span></a><a class="L0V_O _3geXF _3xtP1 _19quw _2W9VQ" href="><span class="_1nwad">symbol</span></a><a class="L0V_O _3geXF _3xtP1 _19quw _2W9VQ" href="><span class="_1nwad">ticklg</span></a><a class="L0V_O _3geXF _3xtP1 _19quw _2W9VQ" href="><span class="_1nwad">raxis</span></a></div></div><div class="_2xzib" id="scriptn"><span class="_3G3NH"><h2>Dcriptn</h2></span><div><div class="legacy-journal _2DahR _3bG54 maturefilter _3if5g"><div>FR<br></div><div>GAYA</div>Type 1: Morphique<br>Type 2: Magique<br>GAYA t une créature qui t née à partir d'un œuf. Un œuf qui t un la maman adoptive SANAOMI.<br>GAYA t une créature ble avec une tête reptilienne, le bout sa bouche t p potu.<br>GAYA n't pas chatouillse. Comme tout l typ "Morphique", elle pt modifier la forme son rps.<br>Lors son éclosn, GAYA t très ve venue fidèle à SANAOMI. Et puis lors, elle a toujours été à s côtés.<br>Elle a pas vraiment préférence forme, mais elle t souvent so forme serpent (Elle pense que ça fa plaisir à SANAOMI).<br>GAYA t une créature loyale et fidèle, elle t très soignse me une maman qui aim son enfant.<br>Elle t très jouse et adore faire s blagu, me pour faire pr ou chatouiller SANAOMI.<br>GAYA t toujours souriante, et pour créer une ambiance amante, GAYA t une spécialiste en la matière.<br>Avoir GAYA à nos côté, c't me avoir un parc d'attractn. En pl modifier son rps, GAYA t ssi Type "Magique", elle pt faire apparaître s objets.<br>D objets servant à chatouiller me s plum, s mas, s brosse, s baguett chois. Et pourquoi pas s bouteill d'huil pour l pieds!<br>GAYA possè une joie vivre, elle débor tellement d'énergi posiv qu'elle ne rsent pas la fatigue.<br>Mais quand la nu tombe, GAYA t une créature lme et détendu, elle aime donner s rs, s massag et s câls. Mais rien ne l'empêche chatouiller.<br>pour air à dormir, GAYA a me un ractère CHÎNÎLÎ. Elle pt ranter une histoire ou chanter une douce mélodie avec une voix apaisante.<br>Pour GAYA, l chatouill sont s prv d'amour, si GAYA chatouille SANAOMI, c't parce qu'elle aime beup.<br><div>GAYA rte quand même obéissante et n'abe pas s pouvoirs. Jte, elle t taque pendant un pet stant.</div><div><br></div><div>EN</div><div>GAYA<br>Type 1: Morphic<br>Type 2: Magic<br>GAYA is a creature that is born om an egg. An egg that is a gift om SANAOMI's adoptive mother.<br>GAYA is a blue creature wh a reptilian head, The tip of his mouth is very slightly poted.<br>GAYA is not ticklish. Like all "morphic" typ, she n change the shape of her body.<br>At the time of s hatchg, GAYA very quickly beme fahful to SANAOMI. And sce then, she has always been at her si.<br>She don't really have a shape preference, but she is often the form of a snake (she thks pleas SANAOMI).<br>GAYA is a loyal and fahful creature, she is very rg like a mother who lov her child.<br>She is very playful and lov to make jok, like srg or ticklg SANAOMI.<br>GAYA is always sg, and to create a fun atmosphere, GAYA is a specialist this field.<br>Havg GAYA by our si is like havg an amement park. In addn to modifyg her body, GAYA is also "Magic" type, she n make objects appear.<br>Objects ed to tickle like feathers, hands, bsh, che chopsticks. And why not oil's bottle for the feet!<br>GAYA has a joie vivre, she is so full of posive energy that she don't feel tired.<br>But when night falls, GAYA is a lm and relaxed creature, she lik to give rs, massag and hugs. But nothg prevents om ticklg.<br>To help her sleep, GAYA has a CHÎNÎLÎ character. She n tell a story or sg a sweet melody wh a soothg voice.<br>For GAYA, ticklg is proof of love, if GAYA tickl SANAOMI, is bee she lov very much.<br>GAYA is still obedient and do not abe her powers. Jt, she is teasg for a ltle while.<br></div></div></div></div><div class="_3EPQg"><div class="_1E0e-"><div class="My0gj _19oS_" style="max-height:56px"><div><div><div class="_3QlTq"><div class="_3RVC5">Image size</div><div>636x612px 16.22 KB</div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="_2GljG"> © 2021 - 2023 <a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="TICKLING-PLANET" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="35244581" data-euid="2088af23-850b-41c6-9056-a0b91ee5ed5e" href=" class="er-lk _277bf"><span class="_2vKEO">TICKLING-PLANET</span></a></div></div></div><div class="_23oWS"><div class="_3U3-y" id="ments"></div><div class="vJ0"><div data-hook="ments_thread"><div class="_1p-42 _2JHop _2YlGm" data-hook="ments_thread_stats"><div data-hook="ments_unt"><span class="_3_W_t">Comments</span><span class="eVBLr">1</span></div></div><div class="_1YhYy"><div><div class="_1pn67"><div id="ment-1-872430435-top" class="no-theme-sk _1vH2x"><div class="_3T2ed"><div class="_3Rfgs"><div class="_1-kKb"><span class="_1nLSY"><div class="_2noXo" style="width:32px;height:32px"><svg viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" xmlns="><tle>

gaya body art

Shop for buddha gaya wall art om the world's greatt livg artists and inic brands. All buddha gaya artwork ships wh 48 hours and clus a 30-day money-back guarantee. Choose your favore buddha gaya signs and purchase them as wall art, home r, phone s, tote bags, and more!



Bodh Gaya is the place where the Buddha attaed enlightenment—over lennia has been renstcted and reimaged. * gaya body art *

Map showg the lotn of Bodh Gaya. This extraordary place—Bodh Gaya—is unrstood to be the se of the enlightenment, or “great awakeng” (Sanskr, mahabodhi), of Siddhartha Gtama, the Buddha.

More than 2, 500 years later, Bodh Gaya is a sprawlg pilgrimage town nse wh ancient, medieval, and morn shr, monasteri, templ, and hotels. At the heart of ancient Bodh Gaya is the Mahabodhi Temple Complex, which is by wh shr, monuments, and sculpted imag tablished over more than 2, 000 years.


Want to disver art related to gaya? Check out amazg gaya artwork on DeviantArt. Get spired by our muny of talented artists. * gaya body art *

Buddhist nventn ont of the Bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya, 2013 (photo: Triratna_Photos, CC BY-NC 2. Siddhartha Gtama arrived at Bodh Gaya middle age, havg renounced his life as a prce on seeg the “four sights” of agg, sickns, ath, and asceticism.


Fd the perfect bodygaya stock photo, image, vector, illtratn or 360 image. Available for both RF and RM licensg. * gaya body art *

Buddhist tradns diverge on some of this acunt but this moment and the place at which occurred, unr the Bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya, is signifint to all Buddhist tradns. The Bodhi Tree today at Bodh Gaya.

As the place where the Buddha attaed enlightenment, Bodh Gaya appears to have bee a signifint place for Buddhists soon after the ath of the Buddha and the formatn of the Buddhist muny of monks and nuns (Sanskr, sangha) and lay people. Very ltle is known, however, about the earlit stctur at Bodh Gaya, and centuri of addn and alteratn make difficult to image how this se appeared at any particular moment the past. Timele of key events at Bodh Gaya (drawn by the thor).

From pictns of Bodh Gaya art datg om the 2nd century B. [2] The stone railgs enclosg a scennt of this tree at Bodh Gaya today likely date to the 1st century B. In some Buddhist tradns Bodh Gaya self is referred to simply as the “Diamond Throne” (Sanskr, vajrasana), ditg the signifince of this throne to the inty of this sacred se.


Gaya (aka Kaya or Karak) was a nferatn which led central-southern Korea durg the Three Kgdoms perd om the 1st to 6th century CE. The pensula... * gaya body art *

Bharhut relief wh Diamond throne and Mahabodhi Temple around the Boddhi Tree (om Sir Alexanr Cunngham, Mahâbodhi, or the great Buddhist temple unr the Bodhi tree at Buddha-Gaya, 1892). The empty throne unr the tree often acted as a sign for both the absent prence of the Buddha and for Bodh Gaya as a sacred se. Mahabodhi Temple today, Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India (photo: manbartlett, CC BY 2.

The acunts of Che pilgrims who vised Bodh Gaya om at least the 5th century C. Onwards give historians an ia of the next phase of nstctn at Bodh Gaya. This broadly agre wh the scriptn of Mahabodhi Temple given by the Che pilgrim Xuanzang who vised Bodh Gaya centuri later, at the end of the 7th century C.


* gaya body art *

Depictns of the Mahabodhi Temple also suggt the creasg importance of the temple hog the Buddha image s own right as a sign for Bodh Gaya and the events there, although the Diamond Throne and the Bodhi tree ntue to be picted alongsi them.

” The scriptns, the pictns of the Mahabodhi Temple art, and other evince for royal and foreign-sponsored programs of rtoratn suggt an important shift om tree shre to the buildg of templ, shr, and monasteri at Bodh Gaya over the urse of the 1st lennium C.

Mahabodhi Temple, Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India (photo: Santosh Kumar, CC BY-SA 2.


Gaya fn, a cy central Bihar, NE India: Hdu center of pilgrimage. See more." name="scriptn * gaya body art *

The towerg brick, stuc and ncrete temple seen at Bodh Gaya today pris a large primary straight-sid spire (Sanskr, shikhara), risg out of a central image chamber (Sanskr, garbha-griha). The late 19th-century rtoratn of the Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya ma signifint alteratns to the se, however. Many Mahabodhis: replitn of Bodh Gaya.

An important feature of Bodh Gaya and the Mahabodhi Temple Complex is s replitn across Asia. Each of the stctur imate the form of the Mahabodhi Temple at Bodh Gaya, though they vary style, buildg technology, and materials. It is likely that some of the replis were built om the rellectns of pilgrims, if not on even small portable artworks and “mols” rried away om Bodh Gaya such as that shown mol of the temple at The Metropolan Mm of Art.


Bodh Gaya is the place where the Buddha attaed enlightenment—over lennia has been renstcted and reimaged. * gaya body art *

This replitn of Bodh Gaya the medieval and early morn perd Asia fds an earlier precent the acunt given the Sri Lankan chronicle (mahavamsa) which rerds how a branch of the Bodhi tree was brought to Sri Lanka and planted the cy of Anuradhapura the time of Kg Ashoka, where s scendant grows to this day. Bodh Gaya Today.


Bodh Gaya is a holy landmark and pilgrimage statn lked wh the Mahabodhi Temple Complex Gaya, Bihar, India. * gaya body art *

Internatnal tert Bodh Gaya creased om the 1880s onwards, particularly after the Archaeologil Survey of India rtored and landsped much of the Mahabodhi Temple Complex. Today at least forty different Buddhist anizatns are reprented Bodh Gaya—a town wh a mostly Hdu and Mlim populatn.

Many of the sculptur found at Bodh Gaya—cludg those ed worship today—date to the time of the Pala dynasty (8th–12th century C. And is likely that Bodh Gaya held signifince wh a work of sacred and pilgrimage s the regn, both for Buddhists and other relig muni. It is also important to note that Bodh Gaya neighbors the major Hdu pilgrimage town of Gaya: an ancient sacred center associated wh anctor r (Sanskr, shraddha).


Relatnships at Bodh Gaya beme straed the late 19th and early 20th century, and the ownership and thory of the Mahabodhi Temple particular beme ntted.


It was ially orr to “reclaim Bodh Gaya for Buddhists” that the Sri Lankan-born Buddhist revivalist Anagarika Dharmapala tablished the Maha Bodhi Society Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1891. After a lengthy legal battle, the qutn of ownership of the Mahabodhi Temple Complex was partially rolved 1949 after the Indian Government assumed ntrol of the se for the State of Bihar and tablished the Bodh Gaya Temple Management Commtee (BTMC), which was posed of both Hdu and Buddhist members. Wh the Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya add to the UNESCO World Herage List 2002, rponsibily for this place shifted once aga.

While s new stat as “World Herage” brought ternatnal attentn and renown to Bodh Gaya, has also ed some ncern that the spirual and votnal character of Bodh Gaya will be altered and even that Bodh Gaya will be “mmized”—s built remas beg prerved at the expense of the range of sacred, votnal, and archectural practic that have characterized the place for more than 2, 000 years.


Bodh Gaya has a long and plex history. Each addn, whether physil or nceptual, has built upon an earlier layer, changg Bodh Gaya whout entirely erasg that which me before. The Bodhi tree, the railg, and the Diamond Throne rema at Bodh Gaya alongsi the towerg temple, the Buddha image, the Shaiva Mahant’s rince and — a hotel and a mm.

Malandra “The Mahabodhi Temple” Janice Leoshko, Bodhgaya, the Se of Enlightenment. [5] See Vidya Dehejia, “Bodh Gaya and Sri Lanka” Janice Leoshko, Bodhgaya, the Se of Enlightenment. Janice Leoshko, Bodhgaya, the Se of Enlightenment (Marg Publitns, 1988).

Myer, “The Great Temple at Bodh-Gaya, ” The Art Bullet vol. Gaya is the exercise of health and welfare of Djokan. balance, relaxatn/ntractn are the watchwords of Gaya that rely on the flexibily and the flexibily of the spal lumn, breathg, and good body posture.


» Bodh Gaya: The Se of the Buddha’s Enlightenment .