twter</tle><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M24,4.3086 C23.117,4.7006 22.168,4.9646 21.172,5.0836 C22.188,4.4746 22.969,3.5096 23.337,2.3596 C22.386,2.9246 21.332,3.3336 20.21,3.5556 C19.312,2.5976 18.032,1.9996 16.616,1.9996 C13.897,1.9996 11.692,4.2046 11.692,6.9236 C11.692,7.3096 11.736,7.6856 11.82,8.0456 C7.728,7.8406 4.099,5.8806 1.671,2.9006 C1.247,3.6286 1.004,4.4736 1.004,5.3766 C1.004,7.0846 1.873,8.5926 3.195,9.4756 C2.388,9.4486 1.628,9.2276 0.964,8.8596 L0.964,8.9206 C0.964,11.3066 2.661,13.2966 4.914,13.7486 C4.501,13.8626 4.065,13.9216 3.617,13.9216 C3.299,13.9216 2.991,13.8906 2.69,13.8336 C3.317,15.7896 5.135,17.2136 7.29,17.2536 C5.604,18.5736 3.481,19.3606 1.175,19.3606 C0.777,19.3606 0.385,19.3376 0,19.2926 C2.179,20.6886 4.767,21.5046 7.548,21.5046 C16.605,21.5046 21.557,14.0016 21.557,7.4946 C21.557,7.2816 21.552,7.0696 21.543,6.8586 C22.505,6.1636 23.34,5.2966 24,4.3086"></path></svg></span></a></li><li class="popoutAlt__SocialLksItem-sc-10p9c1t-2 kdOnUz"><a 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74.7 74.7-33.6 74.7-74.7 74.7zm146.4-194.3c0 14.9-12 26.8-26.8 26.8-14.9 0-26.8-12-26.8-26.8s12-26.8 26.8-26.8 26.8 12 26.8 26.8zm76.1 27.2c-1.7-35.9-9.9-67.7-36.2-93.9-26.2-26.2-58-34.4-93.9-36.2-37-2.1-147.9-2.1-184.9 0-35.8 1.7-67.6 9.9-93.9 36.1s-34.4 58-36.2 93.9c-2.1 37-2.1 147.9 0 184.9 1.7 35.9 9.9 67.7 36.2 93.9s58 34.4 93.9 36.2c37 2.1 147.9 2.1 184.9 0 35.9-1.7 67.7-9.9 93.9-36.2 26.2-26.2 34.4-58 36.2-93.9 2.1-37 2.1-147.8 0-184.8zM398.8 388c-7.8 19.6-22.9 34.7-42.6 42.6-29.5 11.7-99.5 9-132.1 9s-102.7 2.6-132.1-9c-19.6-7.8-34.7-22.9-42.6-42.6-11.7-29.5-9-99.5-9-132.1s-2.6-102.7 9-132.1c7.8-19.6 22.9-34.7 42.6-42.6 29.5-11.7 99.5-9 132.1-9s102.7-2.6 132.1 9c19.6 7.8 34.7 22.9 42.6 42.6 11.7 29.5 9 99.5 9 132.1s2.7 102.7-9 132.1z"></path></svg></span></a></li></ul></div></div></div></nav></div></div></div></hear><div class="flt__Wrapper-sc-ivw9mm-0 ifMAeN"><ma class="flt__Ma-sc-1zss9-0 jfVGbz se-ntent se-ntent--sgle irvg__body-wrapper irvg__body-wrapper--flt" id="ntent"><div class="ntentWidth__ContaerWrapper-sc-1p9n6rf-0 gnvRpv irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--ntentWidth"><div class="flt__SibarWrapper-sc-1l879b1-0 heJNCx le-mon__sgle-sponsor le-mon__sibar le-mon__sibar--ntentWidth" id="sgle_sponsor"><div></div></div><div class="articleHear__ContaerWrapper-sc-ct0iug-0 lisEqa article-hear irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--articleHear"><a class="eyebrow__LkWrapper-sc-tqc2sf-0 jIAEBq article-hear__eyebrow irvg__term-lk irvg__term-lk--eyebrow" href=" rel="" target=""><div class="flt__TextWrapper-sc-hmou3q-0 nVGhA irvg__term-name irvg__term-name--flt">Lakeview, Wrigleyville, Northalsted</div></a><h1 class="primaryFontHeadg__TextWrapper-sc-1otf4oo-0 sgleHeadg__TextWrapper-sc-1rx3zam-0 jGqHzL iTAVMZ article-hear__post-tle irvg__post-tle irvg__post-tle--sgleHeadg">Ltle Jim’s, The First Gay Bar In Boystown, Closg For Good</h1><p class="k__TextWrapper-sc-ktbqq9-0 jwCKVS article-hear__k irvg__text irvg__text--k">Often scribed as the gay "Cheers," Ltle Jim’s opened 1975 and was the first gay bar Boystown and the send-olst gay bar Chigo.</p></div><div class="articleMeta__ContaerWrapper-sc-mnxmjt-0 kiZEZ article-meta article-meta--top irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--articleMeta"><div class="flt__SocialShargWrapper-sc-1ap9xvz-0 fInWHe article-meta__social-sharg irvg__post-social-sharg irvg__post-social-sharg--pill"><ul class="pill__SocialShargList-sc-19unuas-0 hpxHWY post-social-sharg__list"><li class="pill__SocialShargItemWrapper-sc-19unuas-1 iWrpEJ redd"><a class="flt__LkWrapper-sc-iyf4mi-0 hcvtma --flt" href=" rel="" target="_blank"><span class="pill__InWrapper-sc-19unuas-2 iCbVVq redd"><svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="><tle>Share on redd</tle><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M15.57,15.284 C14.673,15.284 13.91925,14.5565 13.91925,13.6595 C13.91925,12.7625 14.673,12.011 15.57,12.011 C16.467,12.011 17.1945,12.7625 17.1945,13.6595 C17.1945,14.5565 16.467,15.284 15.57,15.284 M15.951,18.437 C15.1155,19.27175 13.827,19.6775 12.012,19.6775 C12.00825,19.6775 12.00375,19.67675 11.99925,19.67675 C11.9955,19.67675 11.991,19.6775 11.9865,19.6775 C10.1715,19.6775 8.88375,19.27175 8.049,18.437 C7.7925,18.1805 7.7925,17.76575 8.049,17.51 C8.30475,17.25425 8.7195,17.25425 8.976,17.51 C9.552,18.086 10.53675,18.3665 11.9865,18.3665 C11.991,18.3665 11.9955,18.36725 11.99925,18.36725 C12.00375,18.36725 12.00825,18.3665 12.012,18.3665 C13.46175,18.3665 14.44725,18.086 15.024,17.51 C15.2805,17.2535 15.69525,17.25425 15.951,17.51 C16.20675,17.7665 16.20675,18.18125 15.951,18.437 M6.8055,13.6595 C6.8055,12.76325 7.55775,12.011 8.454,12.011 C9.351,12.011 10.0785,12.76325 10.0785,13.6595 C10.0785,14.5565 9.351,15.284 8.454,15.284 C7.55775,15.284 6.8055,14.5565 6.8055,13.6595 M19.998,3.311 C20.6055,3.311 21.09975,3.80525 21.09975,4.412 C21.09975,5.0195 20.6055,5.51375 19.998,5.51375 C19.3905,5.51375 18.89625,5.0195 18.89625,4.412 C18.89625,3.80525 19.3905,3.311 19.998,3.311 M24,11.87525 C24,10.2845 22.70625,8.99075 21.1155,8.99075 C20.427,8.99075 19.79475,9.23375 19.29825,9.638 C17.5395,8.5325 15.3075,7.8665 12.915,7.7255 L14.163,3.77975 L17.59275,4.5875 C17.68275,5.83625 18.72675,6.82475 19.998,6.82475 C21.32775,6.82475 22.41,5.7425 22.41,4.412 C22.41,3.08225 21.32775,2 19.998,2 C19.068,2 18.2595,2.5295 17.85675,3.30275 L13.87125,2.3645 C13.5375,2.28575 13.2,2.47775 13.0965,2.80475 L11.547,7.70225 C8.96925,7.76525 6.546,8.4335 4.65825,9.6035 C4.1685,9.22025 3.55275,8.99075 2.8845,8.99075 C1.29375,8.99075 0,10.2845 0,11.87525 C0,12.8585 0.495,13.72775 1.24875,14.24825 C1.21725,14.477 1.20075,14.70725 1.20075,14.9405 C1.20075,16.92875 2.3565,18.77825 4.455,20.14775 C6.4665,21.461 9.129,22.184 11.95125,22.184 C14.7735,22.184 17.436,21.461 19.4475,20.14775 C21.546,18.77825 22.70175,16.92875 22.70175,14.9405 C22.70175,14.72825 22.6875,14.5175 22.66125,14.30825 C23.46525,13.796 24,12.89675 24,11.87525"></path></svg></span></a></li><li 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9.07575,13.767 C9.07575,13.767 8.7165,13.0485 8.7165,11.98575 C8.7165,10.317 9.684,9.07125 10.88775,9.07125 C11.9115,9.07125 12.4065,9.84 12.4065,10.76175 C12.4065,11.7915 11.751,13.3305 11.41275,14.757 C11.13,15.95175 12.01125,16.926 13.1895,16.926 C15.3225,16.926 16.962,14.67675 16.962,11.43075 C16.962,8.5575 14.89725,6.54825 11.949,6.54825 C8.535,6.54825 6.531,9.1095 6.531,11.75625 C6.531,12.7875 6.92775,13.89375 7.4235,14.4945 C7.52175,14.61375 7.536,14.71725 7.50675,14.83875 C7.416,15.21825 7.2135,16.03275 7.17375,16.2 C7.12125,16.419 6.99975,16.46625 6.7725,16.3605 C5.27325,15.66225 4.3365,13.4715 4.3365,11.71125 C4.3365,7.926 7.08675,4.44975 12.2655,4.44975 C16.428,4.44975 19.6635,7.416 19.6635,11.3805 C19.6635,15.516 17.05575,18.8445 13.43625,18.8445 C12.2205,18.8445 11.0775,18.21225 10.686,17.466 C10.686,17.466 10.0845,19.75725 9.93825,20.319 C9.6675,21.36075 8.93625,22.66725 8.4465,23.4645 C9.57,23.8125 10.76325,24 12,24 C18.62775,24 24,18.627 24,12 C24,5.37225 18.62775,0 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M7.11975,20.45025 L3.5565,20.45025 L3.5565,8.997 L7.11975,8.997 L7.11975,20.45025 Z M23.00025,0 L1.0005,0 C0.44775,0 0,0.44775 0,0.99975 L0,22.9995 C0,23.55225 0.44775,24 1.0005,24 L23.00025,24 C23.55225,24 24,23.55225 24,22.9995 L24,0.99975 C24,0.44775 23.55225,0 23.00025,0 L23.00025,0 Z"></path></svg></span></a></li><li class="pill__SocialShargItemWrapper-sc-19unuas-1 iWrpEJ whatsapp"><a class="flt__LkWrapper-sc-iyf4mi-0 hcvtma --flt" href=" rel="" target="_blank"><span class="pill__InWrapper-sc-19unuas-2 iCbVVq whatsapp"><svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" viewBox="0 0 512 512" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="><tle>Share on whatsapp</tle><path d="M260.062 32C138.605 32 40.134 129.701 40.134 250.232c0 41.23 11.532 79.79 31.559 112.687L32 480l121.764-38.682c31.508 17.285 67.745 27.146 106.298 27.146C381.535 468.464 480 370.749 480 250.232 480 129.701 381.535 32 260.062 32zm109.362 301.11c-5.174 12.827-28.574 24.533-38.899 25.072-10.314.547-10.608 7.994-66.84-16.434-56.225-24.434-90.052-83.844-92.719-87.67-2.669-3.812-21.78-31.047-20.749-58.455 1.038-27.413 16.047-40.346 21.404-45.725 5.351-5.387 11.486-6.352 15.232-6.413 4.428-.072 7.296-.132 10.573-.011 3.274.124 8.192-.685 12.45 10.639 4.256 11.323 14.443 39.153 15.746 41.989 1.302 2.839 2.108 6.126.102 9.771-2.012 3.653-3.042 5.935-5.961 9.083-2.935 3.148-6.174 7.042-8.792 9.449-2.92 2.665-5.97 5.572-2.9 11.269 3.068 5.693 13.653 24.356 29.779 39.736 20.725 19.771 38.598 26.329 44.098 29.317 5.515 3.004 8.806 2.67 12.226-.929 3.404-3.599 14.639-15.746 18.596-21.169 3.955-5.438 7.661-4.373 12.742-2.329 5.078 2.052 32.157 16.556 37.673 19.551 5.51 2.989 9.193 4.529 10.51 6.9 1.317 2.38.901 13.531-4.271 26.359z"></path></svg></span></a></li></ul></div><div class="sibar__ByleWrapper-sc-135rg5d-0 dFphtv article-meta__byle le-mon__post-byle le-mon__post-byle--sibar"><div class="sibar__AuthorsWrapper-sc-135rg5d-1 cOMElx post-byle__thors-wrapper"><div 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irvg__lk--flt" href=" rel="" target=""><span class="flt__TextWrapper-sc-hmou3q-0 nVGhA irvg__text irvg__text--flt">Jake Wtich</span></a></span></div></div></div><div class="timtamp__TextWrapper-sc-1uu26yx-0 fBbNtW article-meta__post-timtamp le-mon__post-timtamp le-mon__post-timtamp--timtamp"><div class="post-date">12:45 PM CDT on Jul 2, 2020</div> </div></div><div class="flt__ContaerWrapper-sc-1k8y94x-0 bTqzht article-featured-image irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--flt" id="sgle_media"><figure class="article__FigureWrapper-sc-7s8aer-0 enkhzk irvg__post-featured-image irvg__post-featured-image--article"><span style="paddg-bottom:56.25%" class="article__ImageWrapper-sc-7s8aer-1 cLpHBB"><img alt="" height="675" loadg="lazy" src=" srcSet=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 64w, 564w, 615w, 101w, 225w, 451w, 900w, 600w, 267w, 533w" siz="(max-width: 350px) 350px, (max-width: 1058px) 768px, (max-width: 1700px) 1080px, 2400px" width="900" class="article__ImageTag-sc-7s8aer-2 ehmVhs"/></span><div class="article__ImageMeta-sc-7s8aer-3 eBXNjs"><figptn class="article__ImageCaptn-sc-7s8aer-4 hrwttr">Tully Bertorelli, a bartenr at Ltle Jim's Tavern</figptn><span class="article__ImageCred-sc-7s8aer-5 ieDIYX">Jake Wtich/Block Club Chigo</span></div></figure></div></div><div class="flt__ContaerWrapper-sc-1k8y94x-0 bTqzht article-ntent-ntaer irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--flt"><div class="ntentWidth__ContaerWrapper-sc-1p9n6rf-0 gnvRpv irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--ntentWidth"><div class="flt__CredibilyInditorsWrapper-sc-18725oc-0 iUZmNj le-mon__credibily-ditors le-mon__credibily-ditors--flt"><ul class="credibily-ditors__list"><li class="credibily-ditors__list-em"><span class="flt__TextWrapper-sc-hmou3q-0 nVGhA credibily-ditors__tle irvg__text irvg__text--flt">Credibily:</span></li><li class="credibily-ditors__list-em"><div class="flt__PopoverWrapper-sc-19b13eh-0 aA-dxY le-mon__popover le-mon__popover--flt"><div class="popover" aria-modal="false" aria-hidn="te" role="dialog" 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12v1H2.304s-.759-.017-1.087-.426C1.096 12.42 1 12.055 1 11.857l9.247.143zM9.818 1H1.982C1.442 1 1 1.43 1 1.957v.25c0 .526.442.957.982.957h8.265v2.979L9.818 1zm-.752 0s-1.357 1.214.637 2.286L9.066 1zm.637 5.143c1.502 0 2.72 1.279 2.72 2.857 0 1.578-1.218 2.857-2.72 2.857-1.502 0-2.72-1.279-2.72-2.857 0-1.578 1.218-2.857 2.72-2.857z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round"></path><path d="M9.16 8.802l.525.77 1.106-1.143" stroke="currentColor" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round"></path></svg><span class="flt__TextWrapper-sc-hmou3q-0 nVGhA irvg__text irvg__text--flt">Sourc Ced</span></button></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="flt__ContaerWrapper-sc-1k8y94x-0 bTqzht article-ntent irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--flt"><div><div class="articleContent__Wrapper-sc-1rqfqf-0 bDtujo le-mon__article-ntent pi-ntent le-mon__gutenberg-ntent le-mon__gutenberg-ntent--articleContent" id="pi"><p>BOYSTOWN — The olst gay bar Boystown is closg s doors for good Thursday night after 45 years bs.</p><p>Ltle Jim’s Tavern, 3501 N. Halsted St., is negotiatns to be <a href=">sold to Howard Brown Health</a> so the LGBTQ-affirmg health center n build a new clic that would double the pacy of s nearby center at 3245 N. Halsted St.</p><p>Often scribed as the gay Cheers, Ltle Jim’s opened 1975 and was the first gay bar Boystown and the send-olst gay bar Chigo. At the time, had darkened wdows to protect the safety of s ctomers, acrdg to a <a href=">Chigo Magaze feature</a> on the tavern.</p><p>LGBTQ activist Rick Garcia said he’d vis Ltle Jim’s every night after movg to Chigo the ‘80s.</p><p>“I had to be there,” Garcia said. “I was aaid my youth that I’d miss somethg if I wasn’t there every night. It’s btersweet to thk back on those memori.”</p><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" srcSet=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1080w, 72w, 564w, 615w, 114w, 254w, 507w, 1013w, 600w" class="wp-image-228067" alt="" src=" height="683" width="1024" loadg="lazy" dg="async"/><span class="image-cred"><strong>Cred: </strong> Google Maps</span><figptn>Pneerg Boystown bar Ltle Jim’s clos Thursday night.</figptn></figure><p>Garcia said “the neighborhood was rough” when Ltle Jim’s first opened, but “started the whole trend on Halsted Street.”</p><p>Soon after s openg, more gay bars followed and the divey, late-night spot beme both a Boystown stutn and one of the longt-nng penntly owned bars the neighborhood.</p><p>Garcia said Jim Gat, the tavern’s origal owner, was actively volved the LGBTQ muny, helpg fund Equaly Illois at s begng and donatg to lol social service agenci or gay rights anizatns.</p><p>The Tavern’s legacy is that was the first and only bar on Halsted Street to be fully tegrated, Garcia said.</p><p>While other bars had strict drs s or mic rtrictns that targeted Black and Lato people — <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href=">some of which still exist recent years </a>— the tavern always stayed above , acrdg to Garcia.</p><p>“Other bars talk a good game about fightg racism and all that, but Ltle Jim’s tly lived what they believed: everybody is wele,” Garcia said. “Lato, whe and Black people all mgled and socialized there. Ltle Jim’s never had drama.”</p><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img siz="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" srcSet=" 800w, 300w, 768w, 64w, 564w, 615w, 101w, 225w, 451w, 600w, 267w, 533w" class="wp-image-300127" alt="" src=" height="600" width="800" loadg="lazy" dg="async"/><span class="image-cred"><strong>Cred: </strong> Jake Wtich/Block Club Chigo</span><figptn>(From left) D Alatriste, Wa Guzman and Matthew Gutowski cheers for their last drk together at Ltle Jim’s Tavern.</figptn></figure><p>Tully Bertorelli, a bartenr at Ltle Jim’s, said that welg atmosphere was the drivg force behd the bar’s stayg-power.</p><p>“People n jt be themselv here. They don’t have to be fake,” Bertorelli said. “We wele everybody and no one r if you’re bi, trans, or any sexualy, genr or race. I’m gog to miss seeg the room full of different lors of the rabow g together one place.”</p><p>Bertorelli has worked at the tavern for almost three years, but he’s been g to the bar for more than a .</p><p>“I’m bisexual, so ’s the place I always felt fortable takg dus on dat,” Bertorelli said. “And when I went sober, people really rpected and I’ve found a lot of support here. Ltle Jim’s was my safe place.” </p><p>Matthew Gutowski, another bartenr at Ltle Jim’s, said he also found a sense of fay when he moved to Chigo and started workg at the bar almost three years ago.</p><p>“This was my first home, and I beme really close wh all my regulars,” Gutowski said. “Even durg the panmic, my Tuday regulars and I would get on Zoom every week for our celebratory shot.”</p><p>Gutowski said the bar fosters a tight-kn and welg muny.</p><p>“Wh all that’s happened Boystown, Ltle Jim’s has always been very clive and open to everybody,” Gutowski said. “It’s sad bee we’re not only losg history, but we’re losg that kd of space.” </p><figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img siz="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" srcSet=" 800w, 300w, 768w, 64w, 564w, 615w, 101w, 225w, 451w, 600w, 267w, 533w" class="wp-image-300126" alt="" src=" height="600" width="800" loadg="lazy" dg="async"/><span class="image-cred"><strong>Cred: </strong> Jake Wtich/Block Club Chigo</span><figptn>Bill Smolik (left) and San Small are iends who met at Ltle Jim’s Tavern. They stopped by Wednday for one last drk.</figptn></figure><p>Regulars who had been gog to the tavern for years started swgg by Wednday afternoon to pay their rpects.</p><p>“Walkg to Ltle Jim’s is steppg to our history,” said Wa Guzman, a bartenr at Hydrate who would vis the bar wh workers to wd down after long shifts. “I’m sad for people who never got the chance to e here bee they were pulled away to the glz and glamour of other gay bars.”</p><p>Guzman and his worker D Alatriste went to Ltle Jim’s Wednday afternoon for one last round of drks at the inic spot.</p><p>“Ltle Jim’s is one of those plac where you n walk and stantly have a se,” Alatriste said. “It’s a fortable atmosphere where the staff knows you and the people are good.” </p><p>San Small, a neighbor and regular at the tavern, said Ltle Jim’s beme her go-to bar after movg to Boystown om Hoton.</p><p>“I did all the HIV ttg Texas the ‘80s, so I jt feel fortable Boystown,” Small said. “As soon as I walked to Ltle Jim’s for the first time, everybody troduced themselv and I felt at home wh fay.” </p><p>Bar staffers said regulars of Ltle Jim’s are ved to swg by Thursday for one last hurrah before closg for good at 11 p.m.</p><p><em>Jake Wtich is a </em><a href="><em>Report for Ameri</em></a><em> rps member verg Lakeview, Lln Park and LGBTQ muni across the cy for Block Club Chigo.</em></p><p><a href="><em>Subscribe to Block Club Chigo</em></a><em>. Every dime we make funds reportg om Chigo’s neighborhoods.</em></p><p><em>Already subscribe? </em><a href="><em>Click here</em></a><em> to support Block Club </em><a href="><em>wh a tax-ductible donatn</em></a>.</p><div style="height:1px;left:0;marg:0 to;posn:absolute;poter-events:none;right:0;top:50%;width:1px" id="wp-irvg-gtm-article-midpot"></div></div></div></div><div class="ntentWidth__ContaerWrapper-sc-1p9n6rf-0 gnvRpv article-meta article-meta--bottom irvg__ntaer irvg__ntaer--ntentWidth"><div class="flt__SocialShargWrapper-sc-1ap9xvz-0 fInWHe irvg__post-social-sharg irvg__post-social-sharg--pill"><ul class="pill__SocialShargList-sc-19unuas-0 hpxHWY post-social-sharg__list"><li class="pill__SocialShargItemWrapper-sc-19unuas-1 iWrpEJ redd"><a class="flt__LkWrapper-sc-iyf4mi-0 hcvtma --flt" href=" rel="" target="_blank"><span class="pill__InWrapper-sc-19unuas-2 iCbVVq redd"><svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="1em" width="1em" 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21.543,6.8586 C22.505,6.1636 23.34,5.2966 24,4.3086"></path></svg></span></a></li><li class="pill__SocialShargItemWrapper-sc-19unuas-1 iWrpEJ email"><a class="flt__LkWrapper-sc-iyf4mi-0 hcvtma --flt" href="mailto:?;subject=Ltle%20Jim%E2%80%99s%2C%20The%20First%20Gay%20Bar%20In%20Boystown%2C%20Closg%20For%20Good" rel="" target="_self"><span class="pill__InWrapper-sc-19unuas-2 iCbVVq email"><svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="><tle>Share on email</tle><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M23,20 L23,6 L12,15 L1,6 L1,20 L23,20 Z M12,12 L22,4 L2,4 L12,12 Z"></path></svg></span></a></li><li class="pill__SocialShargItemWrapper-sc-19unuas-1 iWrpEJ ptert"><a class="flt__LkWrapper-sc-iyf4mi-0 hcvtma --flt" href=" rel="" target="_blank"><span class="pill__InWrapper-sc-19unuas-2 iCbVVq ptert"><svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="><tle>Share on 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10.686,17.466 C10.686,17.466 10.0845,19.75725 9.93825,20.319 C9.6675,21.36075 8.93625,22.66725 8.4465,23.4645 C9.57,23.8125 10.76325,24 12,24 C18.62775,24 24,18.627 24,12 C24,5.37225 18.62775,0 12,0"></path></svg></span></a></li><li class="pill__SocialShargItemWrapper-sc-19unuas-1 iWrpEJ lked"><a class="flt__LkWrapper-sc-iyf4mi-0 hcvtma --flt" href=" rel="" target="_blank"><span class="pill__InWrapper-sc-19unuas-2 iCbVVq lked"><svg stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="1em" width="1em" xmlns="><tle>Share on lked</tle><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20.45175,20.45025 L16.89225,20.45025 L16.89225,14.88075 C16.89225,13.5525 16.86975,11.844 15.04275,11.844 C13.191,11.844 12.90825,13.2915 12.90825,14.7855 L12.90825,20.45025 L9.3525,20.45025 L9.3525,8.997 L12.765,8.997 L12.765,10.563 L12.81375,10.563 C13.2885,9.66225 14.4495,8.71275 16.18125,8.71275 C19.78575,8.71275 20.45175,11.08425 20.45175,14.169 L20.45175,20.45025 Z M5.33925,7.4325 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the gay little pub

Often scribed as the gay "Cheers," Ltle Jim’s opened 1975 and was the first gay bar Boystown and the send-olst gay bar Chigo." class="" style="



Bunker and The Ltle Gay Pub are slated to bee the latt addns to D.C.'s nightlife offergs for the LGBTQ muny. * the gay little pub *

“We’ve been throwg events now for que a few years, and the District, after the closure of really every gay nightclub — both before COVID and then durg COVID — has really been lackg a te dance floor, ” says Zach Renovát, one of the Bunker -owners.

The other new addn, The Ltle Gay Pub, is the brachild of three longtime rtrant and bar dtry fixtur — Do Sevilla, Dty Martez, and Ben Ganr.


1100 P Street, NW The liquor license plard for The Ltle Gay Pub says: "A class "C" Tavern wh 85 seats and a Total Occupancy Load of 160. Siwalk Café Endorsement wh 75 seats. Summer Garn Endorsement wh 20 seats. Entertament Endorsement to clu Dancg and Cover Charge si the premis and outsi on the * the gay little pub *

The -owners, who have a bed experience of 37 years the bar and rtrant dtry, have a shared visn of The Ltle Gay Pub as a “gift” to the muny, providg an LGBTQ space for people the Logan Circle/Shaw neighborhood where one currently do not exist, and where there’s a arth of drkg or eatg tablishments that n rival those near the Walter E. “It looks like an old hotel vibe, a very W Anrson-y take on quirk, where pomp and circumstance have been shelved and taken over by three quirky gays who cid to overrate to s next eratn.

THE LTLE GAY PUB - 03-08-2023 - ORR

Author Jeremy Atherton L wr of the history of gay bars, as their existence is threatened by the populary of datg apps and risg property sts, and reflects on their prence his life. * the gay little pub *

The Ltle Gay Pub has a kchen that the owners plan to utilize, begng wh about a dozen food ems that one uld classify as “elevated pub food, ” meang more than your typil ied pub fare. While the liquor license and fal settlement agreements are still beg procsed, the tr behd The Ltle Gay Pub note that their spotls rerds, as far as ABRA vlatns, and their longstandg reputatns appear to have aid them openg whout much phback om the cy, scribg the procs of applyg for var licens and perms as “drama-ee. The Ltle Gay Pub is aimg for a soft openg around March 1, pendg on how quickly a liquor license n be obtaed.

READ NEXTIsland Hoe Staff Says “Keep Key Wt Gay”I’m Allan, and I’m More Than KenoughBible Challenged Florida School District Due to Explic ContentKylie Mogue Announc Las Vegas Rincy.

That’s how Ganr and -owners Do Sevilla and Dty Martez me up wh the name for The Ltle Gay Pub — on track to open this March Logan Circle.


* the gay little pub *

This new neighborhood jnt ss unr an apartment buildg at 11th and P Streets NW and fills a void Northwt D.C.’s gay scene.


Explore gay Mosw wh Mr Hudson. The bt of Mosw for the discerng gay man. Where to sleep, eat, drk, shop and play. * the gay little pub *

Addnally, The Ltle Gay Pub will be ls foced on clubbg and more as a muny gatherg spot, even late at night. Sevilla says they chose to work together on openg The Ltle Gay Pub together bee they “would have hired each other.”.

When asked about how he feels about The Ltle Gay Pub nearg the fish le, Sevilla says they’re “very grateful” for all the support. ’s newt LGBTQ+ venue March, the tr sought to create a space clive of the diverse people who make up the, about two months after The Ltle Gay Pub opened s doors, the tablishment has quickly bee a popular statn for lols and the great lotn, iendly staff, great atmosphere, and fortg ambiance, many who e to LGP go straight to the bathroom for a selfie. It’s bee so much of a thg that the acunt Royal_Fih_LGP on Instagram is dited to pturg and documentg the gogs on the pub’s ltle gay bathrooms.

Runng low on money, the team ially nsired overhead lightg, Sevilla explas, but me to md that “oh no girl, the gays need lights their face, ” so the flatterg illumatn beme one more vtment to the pub’s atmosphere. The Ty Pony Tavern don’t ll self a gay bar, but is the gayt bar California’s Yuc Valley.


From a bumpg bar Bloomgton, Indiana to gay days and nights the Florida's theme park pal, wele to the Uned Stat of queer Ameri. * the gay little pub *

Why, as an almost-50-year-old gay man, did I choose to move out the middle of fuckg nowhere? Gay Bar b memoir, history and cricism; 's a difficult book to p down, but that's what mak so readable and so endlsly fascatg.


Ltle Jim's, the olst gay bar Boystown, would close unr the plan. The owners plan to retire." class="" style=" * the gay little pub *

Atherton L's book starts off a crowd room a gay bar where he's gone cisg wh his partner, whom he refers to throughout the book wh the Leonard Cohen-spired nickname Famo Blue Raat. That kd of gay bar — all kds of gay bars, really — are danger of closg, Atherton L wr, due to the populary of datg apps and risg property sts. He's ambivalent about the velopment, wrg, "I had to nsir whether gay bars promised a sense of belongg then lured to a trap.


Mosw Gay Bar Gui. Fd the bt gay bars Mosw, Rsia. Exclive reviews, photos, gay map and event rmatn. Updated for 2023. * the gay little pub *

In a gay bar, am I penned to mory stat, swallowg drks that nourish my opprsn — have gay bars kept me my place?

He wr betifully about his llege days Los Angel, where he went to his first one, though he n't rell the name, wryly notg, "Of urse I n't remember my first gay bar — I was dnk. " He's also spired to dig to the past: "Enough time has passed that gay bars, once a surge, have bee monumental their own way. " That history clus the famo 1969 uprisg at the Stonewall Inn New York, but Atherton L also div to other, lser-known bars, cludg on that endured police raids meant to put gay people their place.

Throughout the book, Atherton L scrib the gay bars that he equented, and his scriptns of the tablishments are endlsly evotive.


" Atherton L explor topics like archecture and urban geography, as they relate to gay bars, betifully; he wr wh a real knowledge that's more than jt tellectual dilettantism.

About the changg looks of bars before the turn of the century, he observ, "A new type of gay bar began to appear London's Soho the neti — airy, glossy, ntental. " Along the way, Atherton L dips to other topics related to the gay muny: the appropriatn of gay culture by straight people, mic, drkg, and the valu of the younger generatn of LGBTQ people. Gay Bar is a book that's beyond imprsive, and Atherton L's wrg is both extremely telligent and rehgly unpretent.


Ty Pony Is the Gayt Bar Yuc Valley | PUNCH .