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artist gaya

Ultimate statn of any art lover - gallery of art photography by Gaya, a renowned ternatnal award-wng abstract artist om Toronto.



Gaya is a renowned ternatnal award-wng abstract artist. Explore Gaya abstracts, her artistic credo, exhibns and awards. * artist gaya *

” GAYA INTRODUCING GAYAGaya is an award-wng ternatnal ntemporary abstract artist om Toronto. A recipient of numero art awards and an thor of several art publitns, Gaya exhibs Ameris, Europe and Asia.


Ultimate statn of any art lover - gallery of abstract patgs by Gaya, a renowned ternatnal award-wng abstract artist om Toronto. * artist gaya *

Her abstract patgs are proudly held a number of private her proment artistic reer, Gaya has succeed many of her enavors. Gaya is a Leonardo da Vci 2023 Internatnal Prize Aware, a Wner of the Great Art UK Runner-Up Award at Lacey Summer Art Prize London, a Featured Artist wh Manhattan Arts Internatnal for years and a recipient of Human Rights?


Gaya (aka Kaya or Karak) was a nferatn which led central-southern Korea durg the Three Kgdoms perd om the 1st to 6th century CE. The pensula... * artist gaya *

Gaya’s achievements rerd spans om Collector’s Visn Internatnal Art Award Wner 2021, Palm Art Award 2019 and Artmajr Gold Awards 2015/2014 to beg the Falist of prtig art petns Donkey Art Prize, Venezia Open Art and Lacey Contemporary 2015. Moreover, Gaya’s works have been published Art Compass 2016 by Himmelbl, Volume IX of Internatnal Contemporary Artists.


Gaya is an award wng ternatnal ntemporary artist. The artist b prents her tone achievements such as awards and exhibns * artist gaya *

Gaya’s works showse Italy, Spa, Portugal, Germany, Atria, Swzerland, Netherlands, UK, Japan, Colombia and the Uned Stat. In addn, vio art projects of Gaya appear major art events and ftivals.

Her abstract art photography remarkably plements the creative ncepts of Gaya’s artwork.

As well known, I am a Self-Tght Artist and that is not unual: creatg art is llg and not an occupatn or do spire Gaya to create her unique abstract artwork? The Nature is the re of the most of my creatns: not only a theme my works but, remarkably, s drivg force is Gaya’s creative procs? Sometim, is a method of trials and errors and sometim, a patg is created a glimpse of an unhred ntuum of actn, wh no sgle hue beg changed or refed Gaya about herself her own wordsI do not like to speak a lot about myself.

Explore Gaya's disgraphy cludg top tracks, albums, and reviews. Learn all about Gaya on AllMic. * artist gaya *

Art llectors and art vtors, wh enhanced predictive of enuragement om Gaya to aspirg artistsTry to be yourself and exprs yourself as eely as possible.

Therefore, the foc should always be the same – the ternal world of an would Gaya tell to the person who purchased her art? Abstract Art Prentatn by Artist on VimeoART LOVERS AND PROFESSIONALS ABOUT GAYAIt’s tly remarkable! ZANE GILLESPIE, Composer, Director of Mic Mistri at First Uned Methodist Church, Water Valley, USMost of Gaya’s art is a celebratory profn of gtural strok.

The raised surfac of her patgs are lh, reflective, and alive wh PHILLIPS, Curator, Director of Manhattan Arts Internatnal, New York, USGaya Karapetyan’s abstractn leads the imagatn to real landsp g extend chromaticisms which build a ma ep perspective. It also rri a lm energy, as if were a slow atmospheric GAZZOLA, Curator, Print of Artistic Commtee, Art Protagonist 2015, Padua, ItalyGaya, is nice how your art mak the pat e alive.

Origal patg - abstract artwork - om a renowned ntemporary artist Gaya “Creatn through the abstract art is the sublime eedom to... * artist gaya *

SONAM DIXIT, Polil Scientist, EIJO Edor--Chief, Art Lover, Kolkata, IndiaTremendoly gifted Gaya has woven together her breathtakg abstract nvass which take your breath away!

I love the way you gave somethg most prec like hope, dreams… That is such a genero way of exprsg yourself, I thk that’s why your artworks are so ptivatg, and touchg, they reach our soul…LIZA PENINON, Artist, FranceGaya Karapetyan prents a type of chromatic archecture.

We n say that the abstract patg of Gaya Karapetyan has a real existence; is part of the cultural life as well as an exploratn of the natural ROBERTO MOREIRA, Curator and Gallerist, Colorida Gallery, Lisbon, PortugalWhen first lookg upon this work [Innocence], I was stck by the power of the lors bleedg one to another, buildg one upon the other, how they created an tense emotn wh me, like that which om experiencg volnic molten rock roarg down the si of a mounta and yet more; the meldg and blendg, the flow of every mark left upon the page, spoke of your passn, your abily to see beyond what is visible, and although the art is remiscent of nature’s handiwork, is nohels a creatn breathtakg and betifully arranged upon the page of s own, born of the md, spir, and imagatn; abstract y, that is not a te pyt of nature’s biddg, but tly an emotnal and spirual reprentatn which the human soul heralds the abily of the imagatn to create that which is beyond pare or explanatn. ADRIENNE WHITAKERBROOKS, Wrer, Edor, Copywrg, Bs Management, Organizatnal Development, USGaya’s PatgIt’s a world of magic, I am back to my childhoodIn the midst of lour of nfnNon-measurable liberal thoughtsUnlimed VastnsWhout provotive attachment…There was no fn, Roots unspoiled yellow, Lovely butterfly, Love homogeneoTenr life bloomg nvasNo ctch to walk, No grammar to talkBra led full eedomNothg was irrelevantCrystal morng, puzzled evengIt’s a mere memory untraceableStrange enough to get backIn that stud of magil worldI walked long to loteKdns of natureMay be my digeno thoughtYet peaceful eveng neatly tight. Meet GayaGaya’s artistic journey began wh her ternatnal and dynamic upbrgg.

* artist gaya *

Gaya works votn to the visual arts has spanned a lifetime, ditg her time to patg and creatg wh var art forms cludg, but not limed to: waterlour, oil, acrylics, ld wax and even Batik patg - tly fg her as a mixed media artist the field of fe arts.

Where her work has exhibed ternatnally at events such as Art Basel Miami and the Jaipur Arts Ftival, and at the Natnal Art Gallery of Sgapore, to name a few, Gaya is currently workg towards upg exhibns London, New York, Sydney, Melbourne and Florence. Gaya’s work featur many private llectns worldwi, notably: Sgapore, New Zealand, Cha, New York, California, and the UK. Gaya’s art and art prts, as well as her licensed product l, have been sold worldwi.

Explore, ask the price and buy art - amazg origal and unique abstract patgs by Gaya, a renowned ternatnal award-wng abstract artist. * artist gaya *

AppearancGaya has appeared on the Channel Ne televisn work Atralia, Stras Tim Sgapore, Ta Murasu Sgapore and on MediaCorp Sgapore addn to receivg cril acclaim  the Sydney Morng Herald, the Herald Sun Atralia, Shape magaze and Seventeen magaze. Regardls, at the re of Gaya’s pursus is the creatn of art, for the love of . ABSTRACT PAINTINGS The portfol of prented abstract patgs is reprentative of Gaya’s art philosophy.


Abstract Patgs | Gaya Abstracts | Contemporary Art | GAYA .