Canada is home to approximately one ln people who are lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, queer, Two-Spir or who intify wh another non-bary genr or mory sexual inty (LGBTQ2+), acuntg for 4% of the total populatn aged 15 and olr 2018. To mark Pri Season, we are patg a mographic and social profile of Canada's diverse LGBTQ2+ muni.
Learn about the Davie Street Village and the fight for LGBTQ and gay rights across Canada. * lgbt in canada history *
Everett Gee Klippert is clared a dangero sexual offenr and sentenced to what amounted to life prison, for no other reason than he was homosexual. In 2016, Prime Mister Jt T dited he would remend a pardon for Klippert and nsir pardong all men who were charged, nvicted and punished simply bee they were gay. Pk Triangle Prs found the Canadian Lbian and Gay Archiv 1973, which today is a rpected and historilly important llectn of LGBT material.
Such raids were a fixture on the gay scene, as police ed a qutnable terpretatn of the term “bawdy hoe” to jtify their actns. The Supreme Court of Canada stck down the fn of the term "spoe" Ontar law unr which homosexuals were nied the right to sue for spoal support.
The Supreme Court led favour of Vanuver's Ltle Sister's bookstore that gay publitns, even sexually explic on, were protected unr eedom of speech provisns the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. When Jam was ducted to the Hockey Hall of Fame ( Toronto) 2010, she was one of the first two women, the first openly gay player, and the send black athlete to ever be ducted. On the Internatnal Day Agast Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, Liberal jtice mister Jody Wilson-Raybould troduced legislatn to protect the rights of transgenr Canadians.
Homosexual Canadians enjoy much more eedom and societal acceptance than they did 1965, when a Northwt Terrori man was thrown prison after admtg he was gay. tak a look at some of the chang that have occurred sce then. * lgbt in canada history *
On 5 Febary of that year, Toronto police officers arrted about 300 gay men on charg of beg found a mon bawdy hoe or keepg a mon bawdy hoe. Members of Toronto’s LGBTQ2+ muny were also cril of the Toronto Police Service’s handlg of several disappearanc and murrs Toronto’s gay village. The RCMP, throughout the late 1950s and the entirety of the 1960s, kept tabs on homosexuals and the patrons of gay bars Ottawa and other ci.
The force also worked wh the FBI's own surveillance of homosexuals and alerted the FBI when a spected homosexual had crossed the borr to the Uned Stat.
History of Pri Toronto and across Canada. Protts, celebratns and paras for lbian, gay, bisexual and trans rights. * lgbt in canada history *
Canada se s first gay-posive anizatn, ASK, and first gay magaz: ASK Newsletter ( Vanuver), and Gay (by Gay Publishg Company of Toronto). Gay was the first perdil to e the term 'Gay' the tle and expand quickly, cludg outstrippg the distributn of Amerin publitns unr the name Gay Internatnal. Police crackdowns agast gay bars Montreal's Stanley Street gay village, wily perceived as mayor Jean Drape's attempts to "clean up" the cy advance of the 1976 Summer Olympics, lead to rts.
June: Kenh Zeller is murred Toronto's High Park, a hate crime which spurs the Toronto District School Board, Zeller's employer, to implement one of Canada's first programs to bat anti-gay discrimatn and vlence. Augt 21: Ala Brosse, a straight man Ottawa, is attacked by a gang of teenagers who wrongly assumed he was gay, while walkg home om his job at the Châte Lrier. November 17: In one of Canada's most notor anti-gay hate crim, Vanuver rint Aaron Webster is asslted and killed Stanley Park by four young offenrs.
May 17: Gay MLA Lorne Mayenurt is reelected Vanuver-Burrard the Brish Columbia provcial electn, and gay ndidate Nicholas Simons is elected to his first term Powell River-Sunshe Coast. September 29: At an all-ndidat bate staged for a high school stunt dience Sudbury durg the 2008 feral electn, pennt ndidate David Popcu rponds to a qutn about same-sex marriage by statg that "homosexuals should be executed".
* lgbt in canada history *
January 10: In a lg by the Canadian Broadst Standards Council, the Dire Stras song "Money for Nothg" is effectively banned om Canadian rad airplay after a gay rint of St. April 2: The gay owners of a rtrant Morris, Manoba announce that they are closg the tablishment, jt three months after openg , due to homophobic persecutn by some rints of the town. Lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and queer (LGBTQ) Canadians were wily perceived as viant and faced social discrimatn and crimal charg.