Prevalence of Childhood Sexual Abe among Lbian, Gay, and Bisexual People: A Meta-Analysis - PubMed

gay sexual abuse rate

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)--A social rearcher who has studied sexual behavr for 24 years believ the Boy Suts of Ameri (BSA) has sound reasons for matag s prohibn agast gay sutmasters.



A new study led by rearchers at Vanrbilt found that 83% of lbian, gay, bisexual and queer (LGBQ) dividuals reported gog through adverse childhood experienc such as sexual and emotnal abe, and worse mental health as adults when pared to their heterosexual peers. * gay sexual abuse rate *

Moreover, the ways which society both hypersexualiz LGBTQ people and stigmatiz our relatnships n lead to timate partner vlence that stems om ternalized homophobia and shame.

44 percent of lbians and 61 percent of bisexual women experience rape, physil vlence, or stalkg by an timate partner, pared to 35 percent of straight women26 percent of gay men and 37 percent of bisexual men experience rape, physil vlence, or stalkg by an timate partner, pared to 29 percent of straight men46 percent of bisexual women have been raped, pared to 17 percent of straight women and 13 percent of lbians22 percent of bisexual women have been raped by an timate partner, pared to 9 percent of straight women40 percent of gay men and 47 percent of bisexual men have experienced sexual vlence other than rape, pared to 21 percent of straight men.

A new study led by rearchers at Vanrbilt Universy Medil Center and Vanrbilt Universy found that 83% of lbian, gay, bisexual and queer (LGBQ) dividuals reported gog through adverse childhood experienc (ACE) such as sexual and emotnal abe, and worse mental health as adults when pared to their heterosexual peers.

* gay sexual abuse rate *

(BP)–A social rearcher who has studied sexual behavr for 24 years believ the Boy Suts of Ameri (BSA) has sound reasons for matag s prohibn agast gay sutmasters. A homosexual nnot tomatilly be nsired a child molter, said Judh Reisman, print of the Instute for Media Edutn suburban Louisville, wh 17-24 percent of boys beg abed by age 18, nearly as many as the 25 percent of girls, there is e for ncern, she heterosexuals outnumber the homosexual populatn about 44 to 1, as a group the cince of homosexuals moltg children is up to 40 tim greater than heterosexuals, she said. “You’re lookg at a much higher rate of abe, ” said Reisman, a former universy rearch profsor who recently pleted a study tled, “Craftg Gay Children.

”BSA’s policy has been the subject of nstant attacks om gay activists, who have nvced a number of school boards to ot the Suts om board a story that aired Apr. Acrdg to the FBI and several clil studi published reputable journals, gay men aren’t more likely to sexually abe boys, she said.

“In fact, the largt database of child molters the untry shows that those who molt boys are over three tim more likely to be heterosexual their adult relatnships than homosexual, ” she Reisman pots to figur om a 1991 populatn study by the U. However, 6-8 ln boys were abed by age 18 by 1-2 ln adult homosexuals, a rat of 3-5 victims for every gay adult.


Prevalence of Childhood Sexual Abe among Lbian, Gay, and Bisexual People: A Meta-Analysis - PubMed.