TJ Osborne kiss his boyiend at the CMAs, ne months after g out as gay: ‘Love ws tonight’

brothers osborne gay kiss

Country artist TJ Osborne of Brothers Osborne shared a historic kiss wh boyiend Abi Ventura at the CMA Awards months after g out as gay.



* brothers osborne gay kiss *

TJ Osborne, the first openly gay mician signed to a major untry rerd label, ma history aga Wednday night by kissg his boyiend on natnal televisn at the Country Mic Assn.

Earlier the telest, Osborne opened up about his journey to untry superstardom and the obstacl he has faced bee of the genre’s homophobia and lack of reprentatn for LGBTQ+ artists. “I would watch this show year after year, and I always thought how credible would be, ” Osborne said while troducg the duo’s performance of “Younger Me, ” a song the 36-year-old wrote about growg up gay. “Let me tell you seeg an openly gay man w a #CMA award & the meras not cut away when he kissed his date, is not somethg I thought I’d see my lifetime, ” wrote Ante Miller.

(Mark Humphrey / Associated Prs)TJ Osborne, the first openly gay mician signed to a major untry rerd label, ma history aga Wednday night by kissg his boyiend on natnal televisn at the Country Mic Assn. Earlier the telest, Osborne opened up about his journey to untry superstardom and the obstacl he has faced bee of the genre's homophobia and lack of reprentatn for LGBTQ+ artists.

Country artist TJ Osborne of Brothers Osborne shared a historic kiss wh boyiend Abi Ventura at the CMA Awards months after g out as gay. * brothers osborne gay kiss *

"I would watch this show year after year, and I always thought how credible would be, " Osborne said while troducg the duo's performance of "Younger Me, " a song the 36-year-old wrote about growg up gay. "Let me tell you seeg an openly gay man w a #CMA award & the meras not cut away when he kissed his date, is not somethg I thought I’d see my lifetime, " wrote Ante Miller.

This is a huge w cuz earlier this year TJ Osborne beme the 1st openly gay man to be signed by a major unty label. #InclnMatters— Mrs B ???? (@RockerRockerson) November 11, 2021TJ Osborne playg on the #CMAAwards2021 as an openly gay man means more to me than I thk I n ever really exprs— Skylar Baker-Jordan (@SkylarJordan) November 11, 2021This story origally appeared Los Angel Tim.

After g out Febary, TJ beme the first openly gay artist to be signed to a major untry label. * brothers osborne gay kiss *

“I’m very fortable beg gay, ” he told Time. But Tennsee Republins also blocked a rolutn to honor the sger earlier that year, motivated by homophobia. “Say Gay” is trendg as everyone speaks out agast Florida’s Don’t Say Gay law.


TJ Osborne kiss his boyiend at the CMAs, ne months after g out as gay: ‘Love ws tonight’.