Gay Pri, annual celebratn, ually June the Uned Stat and sometim at other tim other untri, of lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and queer (LGBTQ) inty. Gay Pri memorat the Stonewall rts New York Cy of June 28, 1969.
* gay pride police *
The 1969 police raid of the Stonewall Inn, the famed gay bar New York Cy, was no different than many others before s, before and after the rts, some law enforcement officers and agenci targeted known LGBTQ-iendly tablishments an effort to shut them down, btalize patrons, and arrt people who vlated the homophobic and transphobic polici of the time, acrdg to the Natnal Park Foundatn, an anizatn that foc on U. History and Stonewall Uprisg of 1969, the culmatn of days of protts and clash wh police, was the talyst for the morn gay rights movement and is what NYC Pri memorat each year. Reported police misnduct, cludg unjtified arrt, e of excsive force and Samuel, of the Gay Officers Actn League, a nonprof LGBTQIA law enforcement advocy group, said that s members were upset by anizers’ cisn to remove law enforcement groups om the lp.
“Unrver flirtg, engagg whatever the s were that gay men ed to flag each other, to attract each other. “Gay sex was still illegal , like, 15 Stat until 2003, ” Mann said. “That was the jtifitn for so much blackmailg and harassment of gay people and trans people by the police bee they uld still charge you wh sodomy and you would actually go to jail for havg nsensual sex wh another adult.
“Beg a feme man or mascule woman was a signal that you might be gay, ” Mann said. Acrdg to the Prison Policy Iniative (PPI), a crimal jtice rearch and advocy group, LGBTQ people, of every age group, are overreprented the crimal jtice 2019, a PPI study found that gay, lbian, and bisexual dividuals were 2.
Historians say the dispari are long-standg and are part of the ongog movement for gay rights. In New York, the Gay Officers Actn League said was “disheartened” by the cisn, sayg the move was done an effort to “plate some of the activists” the cy. “I unrstand people’s anger, I unrstand some people jt don’t like the police, ” said Chief Vansa Williams, who is gay, a statement to CNN.
Pri march first began rponse to a 1969 police raid on Stonewall Inn, a gay bar New York Cy, which sparked multiple days of protts agast policg. ” Even if the officers are dividually tryg to do good, the system is still “credibly homophobic and transphobic, ” he said. A 2017 study om the Instute, which was published the Amerin Journal of Public Health, found that sexual mori – those who intified as lbian, gay or bisexual, or had same-sex experienc – were disproportnately rcerated, nstutg 9.
The rate of rceratn of lbian, gay and bisexual people is approximately three tim higher than the general US rceratn rate, the study found, and rcerated sexual mori were more likely to experience mistreatment, harsh punishment and sexual victimizatn than straight mat. Illtratn by Arsh Raziudd/The New York Tim; photograph via ShutterstockRoxane GayMs. Gay is a ntributg Opn wrer.
She is wearg a T-shirt that says, “Yep, I’m Gay. In June 1969, at the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar Greenwich Village, there was yet another police raid — but this time was met wh a r prott.