How Many People are Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgenr? - Williams Instute

gay population usa 2022

Gallup timat that 7.2% of the U.S. adult populatn is lbian, gay, bisexual or transgenr.



* gay population usa 2022 *

Adults intifyg as lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, or somethg other than straight or heterosexual. Explore Gallup qutns and trends about gay and lbian rights on Gallup's Topics A-Z page. 5% of Amerins are LGBT, based on rponnts' self-intifitn as beg lbian, gay, bisexual or transgenr.

In 2002, Gallup asked Amerins to timate the proportn of men and women who are gay or lbian, rpectively.


U.S. adults timate that nearly one four Amerins (23.6%) are gay or lbian. Gallup has prevly found that Amerins have greatly overtimated the U.S. gay populatn. * gay population usa 2022 *

The rults were nearly intil, wh an average timate that 21% of men and 22% of women were gay. As Gallup poted out s ial timate of the entire LGBT populatn 2012, "Exactly who mak up the LGBT muny and how this group should be measured is a subject of some bate, " and "there are a number of ways to measure lbian, gay, and bisexual orientatn, and transgenr stat.

" Th, Gallup's methodology is not the only way to timate the percentage of the populatn that is gay or lbian. Are far lower than what the public timat, and no measurement procre has produced any figur suggtg that more than one out of five Amerins are gay or lbian.

Overtimatns of the natn's gay populatn may part be due to the group's outsized visibily. 7%) are gay or lbian -- the hight of any key subgroup, and much higher than men's perceptns (17. Among polil partisans, Democrats and pennts timate that about a quarter of Amerins are gay or lbian, while the average approximatn among Republins is a b lower (18.


Disver all facts and statistics on Homosexualy (gays and lbians) the U.S. on ! * gay population usa 2022 *

It is, therefore, possible that Amerins' perceptns of the gay populatn may be fluenced by the greater reprentatn they see among young people. Adults intify as lbian, gay, bisexual or transgenr, acrdg to a HRC analysis of ernment data.

Bisexual adults prise the largt ntgent of LGBTQ+ people the U.S., reprentg 4 percent of the LGBTQ+ populatn, while gay and lbian adults reprent 3 percent of the populatn. Intify as lbian, gay, bisexual or transgenr, acrdg to a new analysis of ernment data, reprentg nearly 8 percent of the natn’s total adult populatn. One of the most persuasive arguments that homosexual activists e to support their agenda is the assertn that 10% of all people are “gay.


A new poll shows that a majory of Amerins believe at least one four people are gay or lbian. * gay population usa 2022 *

” If homosexuals n nvce people that they make up a much larger portn of the populatn than they actually reprent, they are much more likely to garner support for their agenda. The homosexual movement has even named some of their anizatns “One-n-Ten, ” “The Ten Percent Foundatn, ” “Project Ten, ” and the “One Ten Club.

Two recent Gallup polls found that Amerins believe that an credible 25% of people are homosexuals. After years of our tg those who rm the public and make s laws, the ncept that 10 percent of the populatn is gay has bee a generally accepted “fact. His most famo claim held that ten percent of the male populatn is “more or ls exclively homosexual for at least three years between the ag of 16 and 55.


Gallup fds 5.6% of U.S. adults intifyg as lbian, gay, bisexual or transgenr, wh the majory of them sayg they are bisexual. * gay population usa 2022 *

” Ksey also claimed that 4% of all mal are exclively homosexual throughout their entire liv and alleged that an credible 37% of men have had homosexual experienc durg their liv. 4 The rults are not only the basis of the homosexual-rights “ten percent” myth, but also serve as a rnerstone of the prehensive sex tn class tght the Wtern world today.

Ksey’s not-very-secret tentn was to “rpectabilize” homosexualy and certa sexual perversns…. Ksey only accepted applints to do his rearch if they agreed wh him that homosexualy was both normal and healthy. Next, to achieve the sired rults, Ksey foced only on groups that he knew had a very high percentage of homosexuals relative to the general populatn.

”9 Forty-four percent of all of the prisoners the Ksey male sample had had homosexual experience prison, acrdg to John Gagnon, a Ksey rearcher. Ksey himself nclud that members of the prison populatn were more than four tim more likely to be homosexuals than the general populatn. 11 Sce studi show that the actual percentage of homosexuals the general populatn is om 1 – 2%, this factor alone was enough to guarantee that Ksey would get the “ten percent” figure he sired.

The percentage of U.S. adults who intify as lbian, gay, bisexual or transgenr has creased to 7.1%. This is driven by high LGBT self-intifitn, particularly as bisexual, among Generatn Z adults. * gay population usa 2022 *

So if 300 male prostut were terviewed for the Ksey study, this factor alone would add about a (300/5, 000) = 6% rate of homosexualy to the fal ncln. The Male Report adms, “We always assume that everyone has engaged every type of [homosexual] activy.

Reisman and Eichel nclud that the actual percentage of male homosexuals the Uned Stat is 1 – 2%, a figure strongly nfirmed by a dozen large studi which also show that only 3. 3% of women have ever had a homosexual experience their entire liv — even if was only one such experience. 18 In 2014, the Uned Stat Cens Bure reported that the number of Amerins who intify as homosexual the Amerin populatn is about 1.

20 This means that, over time, the number of adults who intify as lbian, homosexual or bisexual has held approximately nstant over the past quarter-century. Rearchers are focg much more attentn to the sexual practic of teenagers as homophile groups like GLAAD, PFLAG and GLSEN have ee accs to peddle their propaganda our schools. Gareth Kirkby, Managg Edor of the Vanuver-based homosexual newspaper Xtra Wt, asked 1998:.

In 2022, 7.2 percent of adults surveyed the Uned Stat stated they intify as lbian, gay, bisexual, or transgenr (LGBT). * gay population usa 2022 *

Why, for example, do we ntue to sist that 10 per cent of the overall populatn is gay or lbian? [1] Homosexual activist Pat Griff, quoted Coachg Women’s Basketball, September/October 1996. Adults Estimate That 25% of Amerins Are Gay or Lbian: Those wh Lower In, the Ls Eduted, Women, and Young People Give the Hight Estimat.

[23] Gareth Kirkby, Managg Edor of the Vanuver-based homosexual newspaper, Xtra Wt, acknowledged this an edorial entled, “No Need to Lie, ” published the Augt 20, 1998 issue.


How Many People are Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgenr? - Williams Instute .